Chapter 40: Classes

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Once the scence had changed we were following Bella, Ron and Harry up a long pair of stairs. It was morning and they were wearing their robes and carrying their books.

"So where's Hermione?" Ron asked as they carried on walking up stairs.

"I dunno. Didn't see her this morning" Bella answered.

After 2 more flights of stairs they reached a door.

Through the door was a large room filled with at least 20 small, round tables. At the fromt of the class was a cabin filled with waird liquids and also a glass was posters filling the walls.

Already in the room was most of the students.

"Well Welcome class to divintation where I wil be teaching you how to see the future" Said a lady with frizzy brown hair and glasses which made her eyes look huge. She was wearing this long dark, green robe.

She looked kinda of... crazy.

Harry and Ron sat at one of the tables and Bella went to sit beside Neville.

"I am professor Trowley and I will be your teacher. Today we will be learnig the basics. Now infront of you is a tea cup, you will be reading your peers future by reading the pictures shown in the cup. You will use your books to fin the meaning of the images on page 132. This is Tessomanncy. Now what you have to do this is you take the the leaves from infront of you and drop them into the cup, but while doing so you have to free your mind and be one with the universe. Add some water and give it a stir then empty it out and you will be left with the symbles. Now go and reach inot the fuure" She said in dipsy voice.

"Hey Neville" Bella said reaching to get some tea leaves.

"Hey Bella" he replied.

Then in scilence they put in the teaa leaves and added water before chucking it out again.

From the other table I could here Harry and Ron complaining.

"This is so stupid" Ron complained.

"Yeah and I really don't see how this is going to see each others futures" Harry siged.

"Ahh boy is your Grandmother well?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Um I thik so" Neville stuttered.

"Hmmm" She said and walked away, Neville picked up the cup and stared at it; flicking through pages to see if he could see anything.

"You!" She gasped spinning on her heel and pointing at Ron, "You are you in the zone? Can you feel it?" She asked.

"Um.. yes, I think so" Ron said, "Well Harry had a sort of wonky cross and that means which is trials and suffering and that looks like a sun which means happiness. So your gonna suffer... but be happy about it" Ron said slowly.

"Give me the cup give me the cup"

Ron handed over the cup and she gave it one look before yelling and dropping the cup.

"She's crazy" Emmett said

"The Grim! The Grim!" She yelled.

"Whats the grim?" Some-one asked.

"The grim is the omen of deth" Hermione said suddenly apearing between Harry and Ron.

"When the heck did you get here? When did she get here?" Ron said

"What oh Ronald i've been here the entire time" Hermione said.

Proffessor Trowley walked over to Bella and looked at her cup alo. She quickly jumped back and yelped.

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