Chapter 15: The golden quartet

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A single day had passed since our incident (if you could call it that) at Bathilda's house.

Though the thing is it wasn't Bathilda who had been with us yesterday evening as it turned out she had been dead for the past 8 months. Well according to Hermione anyway.

Turns out that the Bathilda we had been with was actually a snake. The same snake that had tried to kill us.

Actually now that I think of it the whole event was actually pretty disturbing...

Last night, after we arrived back at the tent, we moved locations again to stay safe and we were now currently residing in a nice little forest beside the mountains and a crystal clear lake. It was really beautiful out here.

Once we get out of this mess maybe I should vacation here.

The sun was shining brightly yet it was still chilly and there was a slight breeze. Hermione was sat leaning against a tree just a meters away the tent barely noticeable under her oversized jumper and scarf. Me and Harry strolled over to where she was and sat down beside her.

"Hey" I waved, smiling, as I sat down at the same tree she was resting on.

Once Hermione saw us she looked up to face me and gave a sad smile.

"I'm sorry you guys" Hermione blubbered while looking down at her lap again.

"For what?" Harry asked confused.

"You know, for taking us to Bathilda's house last night even though she's been dead for the past 8 months; for putting us in danger. That's something that I'm supposed to know." She whispered. Refusing to look up at us, probably at the fear that of crying in front of us.

"Hermione" I sighed moving over to give her a hug, "It's not your job to know everything you know. And we don't expect you to know everything so neither should you. Okay?" I explained to her with a serious look on my face.

She nodded slightly and then answered after a short pause, "Okay"

"Oh and Hermione, can I have my wand back" Harry asked Hermione who then suddenly looked scared. Harry noticed.

"Hermione, where's my wand?"

"Well, um.... You see when we were leaving the house I casted a spell, before it blew up and it... sort of rebounded." She got up from her position on the floor revealing one of her scarves with bits of broken wand, "I tried to fix, I really did but you know how hard wands are to fix. I could try to...."

"No don't worry it's okay" Harry said forcing a fake smiling at her.

He wasn't really mad at her he was mad at himself. I knew the feeling.

"I really am sorry" She whispered frightfully.

"I know you are" He told her while giving her a one arm hug.

"Well this would be the perfect moment to bring up the fact that Harry isn't the only one with a broken wand" I bit my lip.

"Wait what?" Hermione asked dumbfounded.

"Well you see yesterday when I was saving Harry's life from that snake, I sort of landed on my wand and snapped in half. It was totally not my fault." I responded.

My brother sighed. "Hermione leave me your wand and the two of you go inside; get warm."

Hermione reached deep inside her woolly jumper to pull out her wand.

"Let's go" I said reaching for Hermione's wrist and began pulling her towards the tent, once she had given Harry her wand of course.

When we reached the tent Hermione gave me a worried look.

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