Chapter 53: The end of a chapter

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We appeared back in the great hall where eveyone else was waiting. Harry and Bella lay over the body of Cedric sobbing but the sound of the band was over powering them. The students began cheering for their winners. They hadn't noticed what had happened yet.

Then Fluer stood up from where she had been sitting and began screaming, pointing at his lifless body.

One by one more people started noticing and the music stopped playing as the teachers huddled together and started whispering to each other.

"That's- Thats my son!" Mr Diggory screamed, "Thats my son!" He screamed once more as he ran down and sat beside his body where Harry and Bella still lay.

"Harry, Bella lets go." Dumbledore said and tried to pull them off but they resisted.

"No!" Harry sobbed but Dumbledore teared them off.

"It was Voldemort. He's back" Bella cried.

The teachers who were around looked at each other

"And the cup was a portkey. It took us to a graveyard and then Peter Petingrew killed him" Harry cried.

"You two, go with Professor Moody." Dumbledore told them and they weakly nodded and meakly followed him out of the hall.

The students where chatting and some where even crying. The teachers were all huddled together talking and Mr Diggory was crying besides his sons body.

The three of them walked into Mad eyes room and he went to sit down, taking a swig from his bottle.

"So... what was it like?" Mad-Eye asked, "Being in his presence, the dark lord."

"Well it wasnt pleasent if thats what you want to know." Bella answered.

"And the graveyard?"

Wait... What!

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"We-we never mentioned a graveyard" Bella stuttered.

"What do you mean?" Moody grunted and the box in the corner of the room started chaking and banging loudly and uncontrolably.

"We never said that we were in a graveyard proffesor" Harry told him nervously.

Mad-eye started walking around the room, throwing around empty bottles on the floor befroe turning around again.

"The dark lord is going to applaud me for bringing you to him. He's going to make me his right arm man. And now..." He slowly stepped forwards and then lunged.

"Stupify!" Snape yelled and Moody went flying backwards into the wall. Dumbledore, McGonagall and one other teacher ran into the room and pushed Moody onto a chair (Once he got up of course.)

"Polyjuice potion" Snape said as he inspected one of the bottles that lay on the floor.

"Well now we know who has been stealing from you Severus" Dumbledore called and then turned to face Moody, "Are you Alistair Moody?" Dumbldore asked, yelling, as he hovered over him.

He shook his head violently.

"Where is he then? Is he in this room?"

Once again her nodded and the box in the room shook and banged.

"Then who are you?"

There was silence for a breif moment and then something started happeing.

He started shaking uncontrolably and his face started bubbling and morphing. After a second or two he went from being Mad-Eye to a skinny faced, young..ish man with messy hair and a slightly scarred face. Who was he and what was happeing?

Wait... wasnt he the guy from the penasive, Barty Crouch jr? The death eater who had been sent to Azkaban. And he was Barty Crounch's son. What was he doing impersinating a teacher?

Harry and Bella slowly moved towards him when he almost jummped at them But Dumbledore pushed them back.

"Serverous go get the Ministry" Dumbledore ordered and Snape left the room.

"Why did you come here?"
"For them, for the dark lord" He said laughinng like a idiot.

"And professor Moody. Where is he?" He didnt say anything but then the box started sahking again.

"Minevra will you check the box please" He asked and McGonagall walked over with her wand and then the chains started unclinking and the bok slowly opened. At the bottom was a half conscious Moody leaned up against the wall of the box.

"I'm sorry Albus" He called weakly.

The scene faded and now we wewre stading in Dumbledores office with Harry and Bella sat at the front. McGonagall was there and so was Snape.

"After recent events we have realised that its not safe for both of you to be in the same place and thats why ,Bella, you will be staying in Pheonix with a squib friend of your mothers." Dumbledore said walking around his desk.

"What! They cant just tear each other away from each other like that" Esme said.

"Wait are'nt you guys forgetting something" Rosalie said.

"What?" We all asked.

"They just said that Renee is a quib, so she know all about Wizards and witches."

"Ah yes" Carlisle said (mostly to himself i think)

"What!" Bella screeched, "No! I'm not leaving Harry"

"It's the safest thing to do, if Voldemort or one of his death eaters come to get you then you could both be killed and we cant risk that" He explained.

"But Professor we're stronger together. You should know that" Bella told him.

"Bella it's for the best. Renee will come pick you up from the station at the end of tomorrow and then you will fly to Pheonix. You will return the week before school starts."

"But- But. Why do i have to go! What about Harry. The Dursleys and he'll be left alone with them"

"I'm sorry, both of you but this is for the best. You may leave now." He dismissed them and Bella gave them a hateful look before leaving the room with Harry behind her.

Once they left the room Bella ran into Harry's arms and began sobbing.

"I do-dont want to leave you Harry. Your all i have." She cried into his shoulder.

"Aww poor sweetheart. They shouldnt break them up, they need each other" Esme awed and Alice started complaining about how stupid the teachers are.

The memory changed once more and now the four of them were standing in the outskirts of the school. Almost everyone was outside saying goodbye to the Beuaxbatons and waving off the Durmstrangs who were already leaving on the boat.

"This is it, everythings about to change isnt it" Hermione smiled.

Harry tunred to face her and nodded "Yes" He said also with a smile.

"But you'll write wont you"

"I wont. You know i wont" Ron joked

"But Harry will wont you?"

"Yes. Everyday" He answered.

"And you too Bella"

"Of course, i cant not talk to my favourite girl" Bella smirked, "They just might take a little longer to get there.

"So where is it again that your going again Bella?" Ron asked her as they reached the end of the path and were now over looking the entire school grounds.

"Lucky you. The sun, the beaches. I wish i were you." Ron mumbled.

"Well, when i've settled down i could see if you could come over. Ya know befroe we go back to school." Bella told them leaning into Harry's shoulder and linking her arm into Rons as they all stood there in each others embrace.

"Yeah that would be cool" Harry said.

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