Chapter 70: Dumbledores end

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Through the small cracks in the wooden floor we could see Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore stood in the middle of the room looking out at the balcony as suddenly, an outline of a figure walked into the room; wand pointed out, directed at Dumbledore.

It was Draco!

His unusually white hair was stuck down to his head and his white skin was whiter than usual, which made his skin look almost translucent. Beside his physical appearance, Draco also looked sick. Coming across terrified and confused. His entire body was shaking (including his outstretched arm) and he was biting down on his lips, rather hard I may add.

What was he exactly doing? What was his plan, and why was he doing it? And better yet how did Dumbledore know that this was going to happen? To send both Bella and Harry downstairs out of harm's way.

"Ahh, Draco." Dumbledore sighed. Being completely calm even though a wand was being pointed against his head.

"You- you kno-know why I'm here." Draco stuttered back; still shaking violently.

"I do. And you know Draco, you do have a chose. You do not have to do this."

"Yes I do have to do this! He chose me! Out of everybody, he chose me to kill you and if I don't do this... then he'll kill me." He cried. His wand lowering ever so slightly.

"He's going to kill him." Carlisle gasped, "A man of so much wisdom should not be wasted like that."

"Carlisle you're missing the point." Esme sighed sadly to her husband, "He's making a young child do all his dirty work. He's making him kill a man even though he obviously does not want to. And then to say that he will kill him otherwise... that's despicable!"

"Draco I can see that this is not what you want."

Draco did not answer.

"I can help you."

"No one can help me." As he spoke he yanked up the sleeve of his black blazer to reveal a tattoo of some sort. It was a green skull on his left wrist. It was the same that we saw in the sky on that day at the Quiditch game in Bella's memory from fourth year. Meaning it was the Death Eater mark.

From below the surface, Bella and Harry were watching. Wide eyes and gasping as each event happened.

Turning around staring back at them is Snape. Who also is creeping around down under Dumbledore's office. But before they could respond he shushed them and headed upstairs himself.

So he was going to help then...

Snape, whom had finally made it back up the stairs, walked up behind Draco; whispering something into his ear causing him to lower his wand but raise his.

"Please. Severus please." Dumbledore croaked.

Wait, was he going to kill him... but, why?

"Avada Kedavra!" He yelled. A flash of green light shooting from the tip of his wand and heading straight to Dumbledore. He stumbled backwards, his face going pale, before falling off the balcony.

From down below; both Harry and Bella jumped forward but then stopped when realising that there was nothing they could do to help him.

Once Dumbledore was gone, Bellatrix and other death eaters appeared into the room. Her crackling laugh being the loudest thing in the room.

"We killed Dumbledore!" She chanted. Running around the room.

Draco, Snape, Bellatrix and the other two death eaters left the room.

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