Chapter 7 : The locket's where abouts

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I threw open the oak wood door and there, standing on the other side, was a familiar, scrawny little elf. It was Kreacher!

Harry stepped into the cupboard, grabbed Kreacher around the neck and hurled him over to the table that we had been sitting at only moments ago.

"You've been spying on us haven't you" Harry yelled at him.

"Kreacher has been watching" Kreacher replied with his raspy voice.

"Maybe he knows where the real Horcrux is" Whispered Hermione.

Quickly turning around, I grabbed the fake locket and passed it over to Harry.

"You ever seen this before?" Harry almost growled at him.

"Kreacher!" I yelled when he didn't answer.

"I... uh. It was master Regulus locket" He grumbled.

"But there was two wasn't there" Harry questioned him, "Where's the other one?"

He played with his words before he answered.

"Kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is"

"Yes but did you ever see it? Was it in this house?" Hermione asked harshly.

"Filthy mud blood!" He screeched.

Ron was now practically fuming. He grabbed the closest object to him, which just happened to be a pan, and went to hit him around the head with but Hermione stopped him before he got the chance to fully swing it.

"Answer her!" I demanded.

Kreacher was just so aggravating. If we weren't busy then, don't get me wrong, I would have hit him with the pan myself.

"Yes it was here, in this house. The most evil object" He whispered. His small frame shaking slightly.

"How'd you mean?" Harry asked confused.

"Before master Regulus died he ordered Kreacher to destroy it. But as hard as Kreacher tried. He just couldn't do it"

"Well where is it now? Did somebody take it?" We asked.

"He came in the night, he took many things. Including the locket" He whispered, walking backwards as he spoke.

"Who did?" I asked.

"Who was it Kreacher?" Harry asked urgently.

"Mandungus" He whispered; still shaking, "Mandungus Fletcher."

"Find him" We commanded and with that he was gone.

As we waited for Kreacher to return, we returned to the living room. Ron and Hermione went over to the piano and me and Harry sat down together by the fire watching the snitch as it hovered in the air.

"They have flash memories" Hermione said coming to sit by us, "When he first gave it to you I thought that it would open by your touch. That Dumbledore had hidden something in it."

There was a loud banging sound from the kitchen and we all ran in to see what was causing the noise.

Coming through the door was Mandungus who was limping down the stairs. Kreacher was sitting on his shoulders and Dobby was hanging onto his left leg. And they weren't just sat there; they were trying to attack him, hopefully not trying to kill him though. That would be bad.

Dobby..... Wait what was Dobby doing here?

"What are you doing here Dobby?" I asked him.

He climbed up onto the long table and started to explain. Kreatcher still battering Mundungus behind him.

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