Chapter 37: Basilisk attacks

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The green light shot out of the wand and shot backwards heading towards Lockhart himself. He threw himself up into the air and slammed into the hard, stone wall. The room shook violently, so violently that rocks from the top broke off and fell to the floor making a huge pile of them. The pile of rocks was so high up it almost reached the top. Harry and Bella were separated from Ron and Lockhart.

"Oh no we're trapped" Emmett cried.

"Emmett we can just walk through the pile of rocks" I told him. What a big doof.

"Oh yeah, right" Emmett said walking through the pile of rocks.

"Harry, Bella!"

"Ron are you okay?" Bella yelled.

"I'm fine but I don't know about Lockhart he seems unconscious"

At that moment Lockhart opened his eyes wide and sat up.

"Um... hello who are you?" Lockhart asked.

"I'm Ron Weasley" Ron answered.

"And who am I?" He asked.

"Lockhart's memory charm backfired, he has forgotten who he is" Ron yelled over the pile of rocks.

"This is a weird looking place. Do you live here?" Lockhart asked

"What do I do now?" Ron yelled.

"You stay here. Look after Lockhart and start moving the rocks and try to clear a path" Bella said.

"We'll go find Ginny" Harry said and the two of them ran off.

They ran down until they reached a large room. At the back was a large brick door with a strange face surrounded by a pool of water. There was a pathway leading to the door and surrounding the door was lots of snake statues made from brick. The whole room was well detailed and decorated.

In the middle of the floor Ginny lay still. Almost looking dead

"Ginny, Ginny!" Harry yelled and they both ran over to her.

"Please don't be dead Ginny" Bella said putting her palm on Ginny's forehead, "She's freezing cold. Is there a pulse?" She asked.

Harry put his hand to her wrist.

"It's there but very faint" Harry whispered.

"Hey Alice I have an idea why don't you just look into the future" Emmett said.

"Emmett you dummy I cant look into the future of something that has happened in the past" Alice said back.

"Oh well I just thought"

"No Emmett you didn't think you never do and you always say the stupidest of things"

"No I don't!" Emmett shouted at the same time that Alice yelled "You stupid doof ball!"

"Children stop it" Carlisle said firmly.

"STOP IT!" Esme yelled, "I am trying to watch this very important moment of Bella's life and I cant hear over your constant bickering!"

Emmett and Alice shut up.

"She wont wake" Tom Riddle said strolling into the room from no where.

"Tom Riddle! What do you mean she wont wake?" Harry asked

"Are you a ghost?" Bella asked

"I'm a ghost preserved in a diary for 50 years"

"Tom help us. There's a Basilisk." Bella said.

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