Chapter 26 : Walking to our deaths

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"Wow" I said in astonishment, looking over at Harry, "I can't believe it. I can't believe that Snape was friends with our mum. That he loved her. I can't believe that Snape doesn't actually hate us."

"I know. It's all so very weird" Harry muttered to me.

We carried on walking out of Dumbledore's office, away from the penasive, but then stopped once we got to the top of the staircase.

"So what now?" I asked as we stood there.

"Well, I suppose that we.... Say goodbye to Ron and Hermione and then we go to the forbidden forest."

I sighed; my shoulders slumping.

"You alright?" Harry asked though I knew that he already knew what the answer was.

"No, not really. I mean I was really hoping to get out of this war alive" I whispered (getting quiter as I went along) "And go back to Edward and the rest of the Cullens" I thought to myself.

"I don't want to die."

"I know" Harry comforted me by putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Harry, Bella!" Hermione shouted a moment later, running up the stairs towards us with Ron by her side.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked confused as we continued to walk past them; ignoring them both.

"To the forbidden forest" Harry stated simply.

"Wait what! You cannot be serious!" Hermione yelled, her voice filled with sadness.

"We have to Hermione, it's the only way" I told her sadly. The tears welling up in my eyes but I pushed them back. I was not going to cry, not now.

Before I knew what was happening, Hermione wrapped both me and Harry into a tight hug as she started silently crying into Harry's shirt. Hermione then went back into Ron's arms as he gave us a sad smile.

He pushed her a side for a moment, walking over to Harry and giving him a hug. Then he came over to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Im sorry about Fred, Ron. And I love you" I whispered into his ear.

When he pulled away he smiled at me and then whispered back, "Love you too"

"Kill the snake" I pleaded to them once I walked back over to Harry.

"Kill the Snake and then Voldemort will be dead. Kill the snake and this will all be over." Harry finished just before we left the castle. The last thing I was was Hermione's and Ron's teary eyes and sad faces.

As we headed outside I realised something, that was the last time I would ever see my two bestest friends.

We wandered through the school grounds, ignoring the stares we were getting from the few people who were outside. We went down past Hagrid's hut and deep into the Forbidden Forest.

After a while of strolling through the forest, Harry stopped.

He put his hand deep into his pocket and brought out the golden snitch.

He brought it to his face and touched it with his tongue, making it open and revealing the words 'I open at the close'

"Harry what are you-?" I tried to ask but he put up his hand to stop me. Once the snitch was open, he twisted the top until it came off.

In the middle was a small, red ruby stone.

"Is that...?" I asked in amazement.

As soon as I had asked, 4 ghostly figures formed around us.

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