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I landed on the floor quietly while the heavy pensive fell heavily beside me. I had picked the pensive up from the reckage of Dumbledore's office. I managed to avoid to avaoid running in with anyone; don't get me wrong I would have loved to see everyone but I knew that that would keep me for a while, plus I would see them all tomorrow.

Dumbledore wouldn't mind me taking this he's been dead for almost 2 years after all. I flashed myself in and minimised it for the journey home but it must have returned back to its original size.

"Heya" I said to everyone calmy as I leaned against the huge marble object, all my extended family staring at both me and the object with disbelief

I moved to the back of the Pensive and tried to move it forward into the centre of the room but it was too heavy.

"Wingardium Leviosa" I sighed and flicked my wand making the Pensive float into the air, to the middle of the room and then back onto the floor again.

"What is that?" Alice asked curiously pointing towards the pensive.

"This! This is a pensive; it allows other people to look into your memories. How you may ask. Someone just puts there memories in there with a simple spell and then people put their heads into the Pensive and it feels like they are in the memory but really they are not." I replied.

"So what memory are we seeing?" Esme asked

"2nd year" I answered simply.

"Okay how are we all going to stick our heads into that tiny thing? You could probably fit one or maybe 2 in but not 7." Rosalie pointed out.

"Hm... oh I know."

I mumbled a spell under my breath and the Pensive grew 4x's as big "Simple"

I then put the tip of my wand onto the side of my head and pulled it away again. A clear line of misty memory came from my head. And as it did, I dropped the memory into the water and it swirled around, turning black for a spit second before going crystal white again. I looked back up at everyone else and they all seemed to have the same expression on the face. Confusion with a hint of shock and a little bit of horror.

"Well what are you waiting for, Go on" I encouraged everyone pushing them towards the Pensive.

"Wait. Will this get my hair all wet?" Alice asked worriedly.

"No it doesn't. And you also won't feel like you're standing there. You will be but your mind sort of closes off and makes you feel like you on the memory and everything."


I walked over to the strange looking cauldron type thingy and stuck my head into it with my Family doing the same thing. I couldn't wait to see my Bella as a young child. I bet that she would have been adorable.

The water beneath me began to swirl and a picture formed. I felt myself being dragged in. I was falling, falling to the ground. I landed with a heavy thud on the carpeted floor. I stood up to see the rest of my family as well.

"Where are we?" Emmett asked.

"We must be at Bella's Uncles and Aunts." I told him. Remembering everything she had told us. I wanted to remember every detail about her life; good or bad.

"And remember, this is the biggest chance of my career. So what will you all be doing?" A gruff voice from downstairs spoke.

We walked down the stairs into the living room where everyone was curious to see what was going on. The man who had been talking was a fat man, middle aged with a fairly long yet tamed moustache. There was also a skinny woman beside him in a frilly pink shirt, a pencil skirt and pearls. Then there was a young chubby boy. Messy hair and baby blue eyes. A horrible grey sweater covering his back.

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