Chapter 23 : School Reunion

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As the crowd departured, me and Harry went rummaging through our old stuff to find our old school robes.

Once we had changed we made our way over to the Great Hall and waited outside the entrance doors.

Through the doors I could faintly make out Snape's voice and I could slightly hear what he was saying.

"I expect that most of you know by now that the Potters were spotted at Hogsmeade at 6:03pm this evening. And I want to inform you that if any of you, teacher or student are to be seen helping them into the castle. The punishment will be severe." Snape said in his low, sickly voice.

And on that not it was time for our grand entrance. Snape was never gonna know what hit him.

We pushed open the doors and walked in. Loud gasps and mummers travelled through the room within seconds.

"Despite your excursive defensive strategies" Harry said loudly

"It seems as though you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster. And I'm afraid its quite extensive" I said after him; making sure to sneer on the word headmaster.

As we spoke everyone else (Including Kingsley, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George, Mr Weasley, Mrs Weasley, Percy, Bill, Fleur, Lupin, Tonks and a few others) came and stood at the front, not too far from us.

"How dare you stand where he stood. How dare you! Tell them, tell them how you looked him in the eye. And you killed him!" Harry screamed fiercely at Snape who darned not to look either one of us in the eye.

Snape took out his wand and pointed it at the two of us. The crowd gasped and backed away. Reaching into our robes we pulled out our own wands but professor McGonagall pushed us both out the way so now Snape's wand was facing her.

She shot flames at him. Over and over again, and he waved his wand frantically to protected himself. As the 6th flame came towards, he dissaperated away through the window, leaving it broken.

The crowed cheered and yelled and professor McGonagall re-lighted the great hall. But the cheers abrutally came to a stop. A loud, blood curling scream was echoing off the walls. Running through the crowd I saw a 2nd year girl on her knees screaming.

Another scream came from the other side of the room. This time it was Parvati Patil.

Then I heard it. The voice echoing from my head.

I Know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you might even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry and Bella Potter. Do this and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me the Potters and you will be rewarded. You have one hour.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Somebody grab them!" Pansy Parkinson yelled.

But no one moved, except for Ginny who ran in front of Harry protectively, followed by Ron, Hermione and everyone else.

"That will be enough, Miss Parkinson" Said Professor McGonagall coldly, "Ah. Mr flinch, will you take Miss Parkinson and the rest of the Slytherins down to the dungeons."

As the Slytherins started to leave the whole room burst into cheers.

"Miss Potter, Mr Potter I assume there was a reason for you coming here. What is it that you need?" Professor McGonagall asked us as the crowd started to leave

"Time, as much time as we can get" I told her urgently.

She nodded "I'll see what I can do. And please... be careful"

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