Chapter 49: Task 1

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"Hermione how on earth am i suppose to knock out a dragon long enough for me to pick up some magical iteam that will allow me to pass onto the next round without me dying?"

"Well" Hermione said taking a seat next to her, "You have to find out what a dragons weak spot is and then go from there. If you can find the weak spot then you cant cast some of spell and it

should make him vonrable. The after that you cast some sort of charm to tie it down or something and then you grap the iteam as quickly as possible and tada your done."

"You make that sound easy" Bella mumbled as she stook her nose back into the book she was reading.

They were in the Gryffindoor common room and they were the only 2 people in it. It was sunny outside and so the sun was beaing out from the window. There was a pile of books on the table.

"Grab a book and help me out here" Bella ordered and Hermione picked up an un-open book from the coffee table.

"Ughh!" This is so boring" Bella whined and slumped back into the couch.

"Oh suck it up!" Hermione laughed slightly hitting her on the arm with her book.

"Fine" Bella grummbled, "No wait! I found something!" Bella yelled

"What? Tell me. Tell me now!"

"A dragon is one creature that is hard to tame, but once figured it is easy to do. Now a dragon has two weak spots and one other way to tame it. The first out of two weak spots is behind the ear as the ear has less scales, it makes it sesitiver. And the other being in the eye. The only other way is to be abe to communicate with it. See page 105 for more. Dont you see Hermione, this is the answer. If i can find the right spell to use then i should be able to defeat the Dragon."

"Well what sort of spell do you need? does it matter?"
"No, it just has to be something powerful. So Hermione do you know of any?"

"Well there is one but its kind of hard to master. But i can try to teach you i suppose. Okay wand out. Now this spell creates a powerful ball of fire so i dont think thats its very safe to do here" Hermione said.

"Yeah i think that your right. Want to go down by Hagrids and practise there? Out of the veiw of others." Bella suggested.

"Sure. Let me just get my things" Hermione said running out of the room and returning seconds later with a handful of books.

They walked out of the castle and started to make there way down the hill.

"So do ou think that Ron and Harry will make up after all this is over?" Bella asked.

"Sure. Ron may be angry now but he's just feeling lost in the shadows and anyway-"

"Boy will be boys" They both giggled.

"Okay we're here. You ready for this?"

Hermione placed her things down onto the grass.

"Yep. Now the incantation for this spell is 'agardo' Emphisis on the d." Hermione explained, "Now your also going to want to throw your hand out when you say it. Like this" Hermione said demonstarting the right way to do it.

"Okay, i think i've got it. Agardo!" Bella yelled and a ball of fire came shooting out of her wand and flew around crazily.

They ducked, the ball of fire flew past them and into the lake.

"Okay so you have managed to cast it, now you have to learn how to control it."

"Yeah you dont say" Bella laughed nervously, "Yeah so how do i do that?"

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