Chapter 27: Re-awakening

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Slowly, I opened my eyes. I blinked a few times to get use to the bright light that seemed to be shining directly over my face. When I did manage to fully open them, I found I was lying in a completely white room. It looked a bit like Kings Cross. But cleaner.

Am I in dead? Is this Heaven? That would explain why everything is so... White.

"Harry?" I called out loud asking for my brother. Getting onto my knees I rubbed my eyes with the balls of my hand.

"Bella?" Harry responded quickly from right beside me, also getting up.

"Where are we?" I asked as Harry helped me off the floor.

"I don't know but it looks awfully a lot like..."

"Kings Cross" I said finishing for him.

"Hey when did we change clothes?" Harry pointed out as he looked at the dress I was now wearing. I shrugged.

Who knows anything of what is happening righ now.

"Ugh... Harry, what the hell is that?" I asked, with a scrunched face, pointing to a strange red blob that lay under the bench. I got back down on my knees to get a better look, "Harry!" I yelled my eyes widening in fear as I saw the strange thing turn to look at me.

"Holy shit" Harry cursed, his eyes focused on the strange bloody creature, "What is that?"

"You cannot help him" Spoke a familiar deep voice from behind.

"Professor?" I said in confusion as I spun to face him.

What was he doing here? He's suppose to be dead. He died last year.

He was wearing a long white robe which reached the floor. Now I defiantly know that I'm dead. I looked down to inspect my own clothes, a knee-high, chest tight, white dress with matching white heels (Plus part of my hair pulled back into a ponytail with a bow hair band.)

"What is it?" Harry asked him, referring back to the strange and hideous 'thing'.

"That I will reveal to you later. Now will you be kind enough to take a walk with me."

We took upon his offer (because who wouldn't) and as we walked in silence, Harry decided to ask him something.

"Where our we professor?" Asked Harry softly, the sound of his shoes echoing off the empty white walls which towered around us.

"Where does it look like we are to you?" Dumbledore asked back replying to his question.

"Kings Cross, except cleaner and without all the trains." I stated, answering for the both of us.

"Ah! Kings Cross you say. This must be what they call your party." He sighed, "So I expect that by now, both of you know that you and Voldemort are connected by more that just fate."

"So it's true then. A part of him lives inside the both of us" Harry gaped. A deep look of concentration appeared on his face.

Dumbledore shook is head. "No. it did. It was destroyed just moments ago. You two were the Horcrux's that were never suppose to be made."

Wow! We... I... I was a horcux! That's a lot to get your head round.

And the creature, is that...

The dead Horcux!

We carried on walking until we reached a small, white wooden bench which we all sat down on.

"We have to back. don't we?" I asked sadly. It was so peaceful here. Nothing to worry about.

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