Chapter 2 : the letters

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After I left Bella's house, I drove back to mine where I was surprised to find that the rest of my family had already returned from the nightly hunting trip.

"Hey guys." I announced, walking into the room and sitting myself down beside Esme and Carlisle, who were sitting on the chair furthest away from the TV and in the middle of the room.

"Hi honey" Esme said softly placing her hand on my shoulder, Where's Bella?"

"She went home, Charlie wanted to talk to her." I explained to her.

After the subject of Bella was finished we began talking about their recent hunting trip and when it turned 10o'clock I left the house and ran back to Bella's.

I ran at my quickest, not wanting to be away from her for too long. I already missed her doe brown eyes and her strawberry frensa scent. Finally, after the short run, I reached my Bella's house and without hesitation I jumped onto the tree outside of her room and was about to go in when I noticed that Charlie's cruiser wasn't parked outside in the driveway

"That's weird" I thought to myself, "Didn't Bella say that he wanted to talk to her?" I ignored my thought and continued to climb through her window and into her small bedroom. But as I entered I noticed that there was no sounds in the house. No breathing, no sound of a beating heart and no sound of blood running through anyone's veins. No signs that anyone was home.

"Bella!" I mentally yelled to myself, "Where are you" I dug out my phone and just as I was about to call Alice to ask if she had seen anything, I noticed two envelopes lying at the foot of her bed. One was addressed to me and the other was addressed to my family. Both were written with Bella's scrawly handwritting so I knew that they were hers.

I took hold of the two envelopes and jumped straight back out the widow, running straight back to my house and faster than usual. After about 2 minutes or so I arrived back at my house.

"Bella's gone!" I screamed; throwing open the door. Alice then came running down the stairs, appearing right in front of me,

"What do you mean Bella's gone?!" Alice practically screamed at me. Causing my ears to ring.

"Well I went to Bella's room but there was no one there and Charlie's cruiser wasn't there either even though Bella told me that he wanted to talk to her. Also I found these two envelopes on her bed!" I told her quickly and all in one un needed breath.

"Well why would Bella lie to you and..... Wait did you say that you found letters in Bella's room?" Alice again screamed at me.

"Yes" I said trying to keep calm and not break down in front of my family.

"Well give them here and let me read them!" Alice yelled at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And it probaly was.

I passed her the letter that was addressed to the family but kept the other one to myslef, my hand trembling. I slid the one addressed to me hidden in my back pocket, under the sight of my shirt. She was about to turn around and leave when she turned to face me again.

"Didn't you say that there was 2 letters? You only gave me one" Alice asked curiously.

"Yes but one of them is addressed to me" I said as calmly as I could under the situation but inside I really wanted to explode.

"Oh" she gasped and this time turned and walked off over to the rest of the family who were sitting there with worried looks on their faces. Even Rosalie.

I followed her over to my family slowly and rested my head on Esme's shoulder who then rubbed soothing circles on my back and whispered in my ear telling me that everything was going to be alright. I felt like a child.

Alice took a deep breath and started to read,

Dear Cullen's,

I'm really sorry for leaving you guys (expecially without an explanation). I really didn't want to but I need to finish of something I started. If I.. When I come back I promise that I will explain everything to you. Remember that I love all of you and I hope that you can forgive me when I return. Be safe.

Lots of love from,

Bella xox

Oh. My poor daughter I wonder what she means by finish something I started? Oh I hope she's okay. Esme thought

Bella. Where are you? Why did you have to leave? Don't come back harmed. Carlisle.

Oh sis. Where are you? Please don't kill your self or let yourself be killed. This is gonna destroy Edward. Emmett.

Bella where did you go. Now I feel really bad for being so bitchy to you. Rosalie.

Oh no! I hope Bella will be okay. This is going to destroy Edward. Jasper thought as I read his mind, his thoughts were similar to Emmett's.

Bella! No No No No! My sister, my best friend. Where are you? Will you be okay? Come back! Alice Screamed inside her head. Her thoughts were the loudest by far.

"Well that wasn't really much information to go on by" Emmett sulked before I finally went over the edge.

"Did she say if! Did she say if she came back!" I yelled. Then finally I had enough I collapsed on he floor and curled into a ball, sobbing tearless cries. "Shush sweet" Esme cooed soothingly, placing me on her lap and rocking me back and forth like a young child who had hurt themselves. Minutes past and my sobs had gotten quieter however they did not stop. The only thing that I wanted was my sweet Bella back in my arms. Then I remembered about the letter from Bella which was sitting in my back pocket. Maybe that would have some more information!

I jumped from Esme's lap, leaving the rest of my family clueless and confused, and ran up to my room slamming the door behind me. I grabbed the letter from my pocket and tore open the envelope; seeing Bella's untidy handwriting. Then I read it out loud,

Dear Edward,

I'm really sorry for leaving you without an explanation but the phone call I got today wasn't from Charlie but from someone else. They reminded me that I have something to finish off. I'm really sorry for lying to you. I hope that when I return you and your family will forgive me but if you don't I understand. I love you so very much and if I don't return I hope you will find happiness somewhere else. Please don't try to find me because you won't. I love you with all my heart.

Lots of love,

Bella 3 xxx

"Oh Bella" I cried to myself, "Where did you go and please don't hurt yourself and please, please, please come back to me when your done. I love you!"

And with that I rolled off my bed (the bed that I had bought for Bella and that Bella had used) and collapsed onto the floor in a heap of tearless cries. And I stayed there.

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