Chapter 46: Tri-Wizard Champions

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The memory faded black and slowly returned but very grey and blurry. Harry and Bella were still lying lifelessly on the floor. The tents were on fire and there wsas no one around. Except for one man standing a few hundred feet away. He was wearing dark clothes and had messy brown hair. The man pulled up his sleeve and on his wrist was a tattoo with a skull on. He pressed the tip of his wand against it and then the same tattoo that was on his wrist appeared in the sky.

Once again the memory faded black, my guess is because she passed out again.

"Harry! Bella! Wake up!" Hermione yelled as the memory came back into place. They were in the same place as before but that's not much of a suprise. I mean i wasnt expecting them to go anywhere.

In the air was the green, cloud like skull that lingered in the same place as it had been before.

"Whats that?" Harry asked and then gasped out in pain, as did Bella. Grabbing onto the scars on their foreheads

Then a group of people reached them, circled them and started shooting spells at them. It was some guy with a mustche.

'Wait why are they throwing spells at them?'

The 4 of them huddled together and knelt down on the floor.

"Stop thats my son!" Mr Weasley yelled as he ran towards them and the spells stopped, "Ron, Hermione, Bella, Harry. Are you okay?" Mr Weasley asked and the 4 of them nodded.

"Yeah dad" Answered Ron

"Crouch what are you doing?"

My thoughts exactly.

"They are found on a crime sight, they are suspects." This crouch guy said.

"Barty they are just children" Mr Weasley spoke loudly.

"Hermione whats going on?" Bella whispered just loud enough for the others to hear.

"Thats the dark mark Bella, it's his mark." Hermione answered.

"And those guys, they were his followerd. Were'nt they" Harry stated rather than asked.

"Yes. Death Eaters" Crouch said

"Um... there was a guy here before" Bella spoke up.

"A man what did he look like?"

"I don't know, i never saw his face"

"Me either" Harry said.

"Men, spread out" Barty said and they all walked off in different directions.

The scene changed and now we were standing in the great hall beside the Gryfindoor table.

"While were all settled i would like to make an announcment, "Dumbledore yelled from behind his stand at the front of the room, "This castle will not only be your home this year but home to a few other special guests. This year Hogwats has been chosen to host the Tri-Wizard Tornument. The Tri-Wizard Tornument consists f 3 different magical tasks. 3 students are chosen from each school and trust me when i say, this is not for the faint hearted. Now may i introduce you to the girls Beauxbatons and their headmistress Miss Maxime"

As he said that two large doors at the back of the room slammed open and around 30 pretty young girls came skipping in wearing short, light blue skirts and jackets. Including hats.

"Bloody hell" Said Ron as they ran past him. And i'm pretty sure that his eyes lingered on their butts for a few seconds.

Walking at the back was a very tall lady with short brown hair. She must of been like 10ft? 12?

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