Chapter 19: The other side of the story

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7 months, 22 days, 5 hours and 12 seconds. 13 seconds..14 ...

15...16...17. That's how long the love of my life has been gone. Almost a year. She had also missed Christmas, and I was really looking forward to spending Christmas with her. Our first Christmas together. But fate must hate me.

The pain in my chest got worse by the second and I have no idea how much longer I can go on for. I wanted to go look for her but my family said otherwise. So I was thinking about giving it until the end of the year, and if she still didn't show, I would go look for her. And I wouldn'd rest until I had her back in my arms.

At the moment I was scrunched up in a ball in a corner of the living room, where I had been for almost the past 2 weeks. With the rest of my family.

No one was talking and so the room was completely silent except for the sounds of my quiet and small breaths. Sure I didn't need to breath but it made me feel better.

No one had been quite right since Bella had left. Carlisle and Esme and lost a daughter, Emmett and Jasper had lost a little sister, Alice had lost a best friend, a shopping buddy and a sister, And I had lost my mate. And we were all suffering, even Rosalie, though she was doing her best not to show it.

In my mind all I could think about was Bella. The moments we had spent together, her angelic face; her big doe like brown, loving eyes....

And then I as I was searching the minds of my family, I felt like I was being pulled into another world.

There was a empty beach. The only things on it was a old looking beach house and two teenagers. One boy, one girl.

The girl had long, strawberry blonde hair and a pale completion.

Light brown muddy eyes that looked so familiar... yet so different. She had her head on the boys shoulders. He had jet black hair and emerald green eyes. He like the girl was also pale.

"I cant believe that he's gone" The girl cried

"Neither can I" He said sadly.

"Well there is no time like the present" the girl huffed, wiping her eyes, getting up to grab something out of the boys arms.

A dead animal.

It was small, and pale green. With big round eyes and pointy, large ears. He was wearing what looked like a pillow case covered in..... blood!

Then the boy and the girl lowered the body into the ground.

Finally the girl turned around fully and at that moment I knew who she was.

"Bella!" I whispered as I jumped up.

My families heads all turned at the mention of he name. All except for Alice who like myslef had already seen it.

"What about Bella? What did you see? Is she hurt?" My mothers asked me as she bombarded me with questions.

"N-No" I stuttered not knowing what entirely sure what to say, not entirely sure about what I saw.

Who was she with. A brother? No she doesn't have any siblings, A friend? Didn't look familiar, unless he was from Arizona. Then again Bella never mentioned much about her friends; if they had been that close wouldn't she of mentioned him. But also himslef like her was odly pale so unless he had the same genes as her he should be tanned, living in Arizona and all... A boyfriend? I couldn't even allow myself to think about that.

"Edward, Edward" I heard my father call to me.

"What? I asked as I look around me, "Oh sorry, I spaced out"

"What did you see son" Carlisle softly asked.

"Bella. I saw Bella except she looked different and was covered in blood but it wasn't her blood, and she was on a empty beach with some boy and they were holding some sort of dead creature that looked somewhat like a Chiwawa. But the most important thing was that Bella's alive!"

I said this all so quickly that I didn't even know if the rest of my family could hear me.

"Slow down son" Carlisle said to me, "You said that you saw some sort of dead creature, did it look like anything that you've seen before?"

"No it was pale green with large eyes and pointy ears. It looked pretty bony and fragile." Alice butted in before I could say anything.

Carlisle shook his head

"Doesn't sound like anything that I've seen before"

"And what about the boy?" Emmett interrupted, "What he look like"

"He had really dark brown hair, almost black, green eyes. He wore thin, round glasses and was a few inches taller than Bella"

Maybe she's cheating on you!" Rosalie blurted out.

"Rosalie!" my mother scolded

"Rose, you know Bella would never do that" Emmett told her.

"Well what do you expect me to think. Huh, I mean she left us without even a goodbye and only a letter to explain. Charlie's not telling us anything anytime soon and it's been 7 months. It's obvious that she's not coming back!" she yelled.

"Rose don't you remember what it said what it said on the letter. She had to finish some unfinished business" I said as I pulled out the letter from my back pocket where it had been since the moment she left.

"Yeah Rose, Bella would never do anything like that to hurt Edward. She's not like that!" Alice backed me up and the rest of my family nodded in agreement.

"Whatever" she huffed, turned on her heels and left the room.

"I should properly go after her" Emmett said apologetically and went to go follow her.

"WAIT!" Alice squeeled so loudly it made my ears ring. It also made Emmett stop and turn around.

"What?" I asked curiously, "What is it... Is it- Do you-"

"It's just... the boy. The boy she was with was from the last vision I saw, remember the one with the exploding house." Alice explained, "Though I wonder where the girl was."

I let out a large breath of air that I had been holding in and turned around on my heels.

"I'm going hunting" I said to my family

"Wait!" a small but squeaky voice yelled as I reached the door, "Yes Alice?"

"Can I come to?" Alice asked me sweetly.

I was going to say no, say that I wanted to be alone.

"Sure" I smiled as I looked down at her smiling little face.

Then we ran out into the forest and I felt as calm, and relaxed as I had done in 7 months 22 days 5 hours 31 minutes and 43 seconds...


"So the human is gone" I hissed, "What now? She can't be trusted.

"Calm down sister"

"Calm down, how am I suppose to calm down? She can't be tracked, her mind doesn't work like that, and you heard what they said, those freaks have no idea where she is"

"She'll return shortly sister. And when she does... we'll be waiting."

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