Chapter 28: Now or never

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Today, all members of Cullen family were gathered in the living room. All of us apart from Edward who was grieving up in his room. Esme and Carlisle were sitting on the love seat snuggling up to each other, Rosalie was on the other couch staring at a fashion magazine, Emmett was sitting on a chair by the table, Jasper was sitting on the floor leaning on the couch and I was sitting legs-crossed in the centre of the room.

No one was talking to anyone. We had been like this since Bella left us. Bella.... Where is she? Why did she leave?

'Harry have I told you how much I love you, you're the best brother ever. I don't know where I would be without you.' Bella told the dark haired boy.

'And you the best little sister ever and I love you too' The boy named Harry said back.

The two of them began walking again through the leafy forest. The sky was grey and the air was quite, nothing seemed to be around.

'I guess there not coming' A quite voice mumbled sadly from behind the trees, 'And I really thought...'

Bella and Harry approached from the trees into a area filled with many other people; all dressed in black. The mans ,who had just spoken, faced filled with glee as he faced the two of them. He then took a step forward and held tightly onto his long, wooden wand he had between his grasp.

'Ah. Harry, Bella you came' The strange (Snake like) man smiled happily.

But it wasn't real happiness, it was more of a physocpathic happinss.

'Harry, Bella what are you doing here?' A large and tall man screamed in despair. He had a long beard, with matching curly hair, swollen eye and bloody lip. He was also chained up to the ground and was surronded by another 10 men.

'Ready to die then?' The man smirked.

'I love you Harry.' Bella said reaching over to grab Harry's hand in her own.

'You too.'

'Avada kerdava!' He screamed and a flash of green came from his wand. The two went flying back into the trees and then landed on the floor. Not breathing.

The vision ended and I was brought back to reality.

"Jasper, Emmett! Grab Edward. Grab him and don't let him leave the house!" I screamed knowing that he would of seen my vision. Knowing that he would of seen Bella die.

They looked at me questionably but didn't ask. They knew better. And as they reached the stairs Edward ran down like a maniac.

Emmet managed to grab him but he put up a fight.

"Edward don't! you cant go to the Vultori. You can!" I yelled at him as he struggled around in Emmetts arms.

"Why does it matter. She's dead. She's not coming back" He whimpered; his eyes filling up with unspilling tears.

"You don't know that Edward, my visions aren't always correct. Please just wait. Bella wouldn't want this. what about your family Edward? You can't just go and get your self killed. Please!"

He stopped struggling in Emmet and Jaspers embrace. He shook off their grip and walked towards the door. The six of us all staring at him weerly.

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere, I just need some air"

And by the look in his eyes I knew that he was telling the truth.

Once he left the house the rest of my family turned to me in silence, wanting to know what just happened.

"I had a vision. I think Bella's dead" I told everyone.


Dead. My love, My angle, my only reason for existing. Dead.

My heart felt like it had been ripped in half, stomped on, ran over and set on fire.

So this is what it feels like. It feels even worse than when I left Bella last year. This is all my fault, I'm suppose to protect her and instead I let her die.

I want more than anything to go to the Vultori but I cant, not right now anyway.


The wind burnt my face as it blew against me. My hair was in my face and I could hardly see. I wasn't quite sure exactly how far of the ground I was.

Somewhere in the distance I could see two blotchy figures also falling from the sky.

After one second or more I felt the hard floor come in contact with my body as I landed on my shoulder. And let me just say, it hurt like hell. Though I felt as though my arm was on fire, I couldn't concentrate on that right now.

My wand was lying a few feet ahead of me; just beside Harry's.

Ignoring the pain I crawled towards it, hooking my fingers around it and picking it up with a thight grip.

Once it was in my grasp I got up and turned to face Voldemort.

"Expelliarmus!" Me and Harry yelled,

"Avada kerdava!" Voldemort screamed at the same time.

Red lights flew from the tips of our wands as a green one came towards us. They met in the middle, sending sparks to fly in every direction. I put all my strength into it but I felt dizzy and my head was spinning, I felt as though I could pass out at any second. This seemed to go on for hours when it was barely moments.

From the corner of my eyes I saw a blurred figure which turned out to be Neville. He was holding onto the sword of Gryffindor like he had been when I last saw him. He swung it once, cutting the snake by the neck. His head falling from his body.

Once this happened, Voldemort's spell became weak and dropped and so me and Harry let it go. He bent forwards and hollered in pain before starting up his spell again, this time holding his wand by the end. I lifter my heavy arm and put more power into the spell (more power than I had done before) when voldemort suddenly started falling. The spell hit him in his chest.

His face began to flake off, causing parts of his body to flake away too. It carried on like this until nothing was left. Voldemort was dead! We killed him.

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