Chapter 76: Finding the ghost

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Letting go of the dragon they plumaged into the waves.

As Bella headed back up to the surface she grimaced in pain and then stopped swimming. Her arms and legs falling limp, her eyes drifting shut. Falling backwards into the darkness.

"She's going to drown!" Edward yelled worriedly, "We have to help her."

"Edward." Alice yelled as she reached over to grab him, "We can't touch her. We're not really here. And plus, she makes it out fine. You know that."

Edward nodded slightly before looking away. He knew she saw safe but didn't like to see her suffer.

As the darkness began to overtake a vision took over.

In the vision they was a pile of dead bodies covered in blood piled on the floor of Gringotts. One of them being Griphook.

At least he got what he deserved...

Walking among the bodies was Voldemort, Nagini (the snake) by his side

"They found out our secret, Nagini. That will make us more vulnerable. You must stay close" Whispered Voldemort.

Once the scene was over, another one took place.

There was a ghost with curly brown hair and a pale complex. She was wearing a pale green, flowing dress. Then there was the Ravenclaw flag and a trophy.

Her eyes shot open and she swam to the surface. Coughing and choking up water.

"The last Horcrux. It's in Hogwarts" She coughed as she walked further onto the sandy beach.

"How do you know that?" Hermione asked urgently.

"We saw it" Bella responded for the two of them as I suspect Harry saw it too.

After a quick glare from Hermione she began pulling clothes from her purse throwing them at them as she did.

Hermione and herself left the boys alone whilst they went to change themselves. Bella emerged wearing dark skinny jeans, white shoes and a black jumper. They returned to the boys and make their... simple plan. Apparently they didn't need one as they never went according to plan.

The vision changed and brought them, us, to somewhere in... Hogsmead. The sky was dark and the surroundings empty.

Bella stopped momentarily to tie her shoe however when she stood back up there was a man stood breathing down her neck

"Why hello there darling" The man's quiet yet very unpleasant voice whispered.

Edward growled once more.

Bella tensed and reached into her pocket. Bringing out the small bat she swung it outwards so that it returned to its ordinary size; she then swung it at the man's head with a loud scream and ran towards her brother and friends.

"Ron! Hermione!" She yelled, running away from the unconscious body that lay on the floor.

She ran into Harry's embrace, a concerned look on his face.

"There are Snatchers here" Bella gasped.

"What! Where?"

Just as she was to answer, the doors behind opened and a small head poked through.

"Get in!" The voice belonging to the man from behind ordered.

Though they could not see the face of the man they ran in anyway knowing that if one Snatcher was here, the rest were sure to follow.

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