Chapter 57: Anger issues

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Rosalie's POV

It had only been yesterday when we, well technically Bella, had arrived at Grimmauld Place. The house belonged to Sirius and was used as a place for the order; which was a group of wizards and witches who were against Voldemort.

After a short reunion with Sirius, a small fight with their friends, and dealing with a frantic and frazzled Mrs. Weasley; they were getting ready to go to their hearing.

To get to the ministry they took a strange act of transportation. It was a phone booth that worked similar to an elevator!

How cool is that?

Dressed in neat clothes, Bella and Harry walked swiftly with Mr. Weasley. Harry walked awkwardly in the suit he had been forced in, while Bella was in a lacey white dress. He boots were stiff on her feet, but at least they matched her hat.

Harry comforted her by holding her hand when he saw her nervously tug at the french braid in her hair.

"I'm afraid I can't go in with you, best of luck." Mr. Weasley informed them regretfully with a smile for luck.

Harry and Bella glanced at each other quickly as they made their way down the long corridor; only the tapping of their shoes could be heard echoing off the stone walls.

"I'm scared" Bella whispered quietly into Harry's ear as they walked.

Harry nodded, "Me too"

They finally reached the bottom and the double doors opened. As they were shown inside, Bella got a quick look as to what was inside. There were two single chairs in the middle and chairs surrounded every other bit of wall. Sat in the middle was, who I presume, the Minister. A handful of people dressed similarly, surrounded him.

"This looks a little over the top for punishment over using magic. It's not like they were doing anything wrong." Esme said, as we entered.

"Well technically Esme, they were breaking the rules" Carlisle said to his wife, holding her hand gently.

"Yes, but Carlisle, they were doing it for the right reasons." Esme sighed and Carlisle nodded, pulling her into his side.

"Yes. I know"

The minister cleared his throat before he began talking.

"Are you Mr. Harry James Potter, born on the 21st of July, Born to Lily and James Potter and lives on Twelve Private Drive, Little Whining, Surrey?" He said glaring at Harry; who meekly nodded and leaned back into his chair, looking frightened.

"And you," He said turning to face Bella, "Are you Miss Isabella Marie Lily Potter, Born on the 21st of July, to Lily and James Potter. Lives on Four Oklen drive, Arizona?"

Bella nodded and looked down at her lap.

"Good; now we can begin. You are accused by the Department of Underage Magic of using magic on the 20th of July at five o'clock; knowing of the law." The Minister explained.

"Yes but-" Harry tried to explain but got cut off.

"You used magic, knowing about the law, which clearly states that no witch of wizard under the age of 17 is allowed to do magic outside of school grounds."

"Yes but the only reason we did it was because of the-" Bella tried to explain but once again got cut off by mumbling.

"Well that's rude," I huffed, "How is one to explain themselves if they can't talk about it?"

"Dementors!" They both yelled together and the talking stopped immediately; leaving them in an awkward silence.


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