Chapter 69: Treasure in the cove

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"I'm so sorry Bella, please forgive me." Edward begged through his sorrowful eyes as he stared back into Bella's eyes. He had a pained expression on his face and seemed worried and stressed.

"For what?" She asked back confused.

Is it not obvious...?

"For leaving you. Bella could you ever forgive me?"

"Edward I forgave you a long time ago; though I suppose a tiny part of me will never be able to fully forgive you for leaving me, but the rest of me has. And plus I stopped feeling angry at you a long time ago." She explained to him.

Wait, when was she ever angry at us?

"Wait. You were angry at us? When?" Emmett asked.

"After I got passed the morbidly upset bit and I mean, I had every right to be mad at you anyway." Bella shrugged.

Edward opened his mouth to say something else but Alice cut in front of him.

"I thought I was YOUR best friend!" Alice pouted with her huge puppy dog eyes.

Bella's mouth gaped open like a fish but nothing ever came out.

"Hey look at that!" She yelled pointing at the memory. Distracting her, and everybody else, from their conversation to something else.

When we were having are 'friendly' conversation with one another, we had missed the memory changing. We had moved from the dormitory above the common room to Dumbledore's office.

"Sir?" Harry said quietly as the two of them walked towards Dumbledore who was stood facing away from them on the balcony.

At the sound of his voice Dumbledore quickly turned his head to look at them for a quick moment before turning round again to stare up at the night sky.

"Harry my friend, you need to shave." He laughed deeply.

Harry reached up to stroke his chin.

"You know sometimes I forget that you're no longer the young frightened children from under the cupboard."

There was a pause. Dumbledore continued to gaze up at the stars.

"Everything I say today, you have to follow. Even if I tell you that you need to run and leave me you have to do it. Do you understand?"

The two of them nodded.

"Good. Now grab on." He instructed them, placing his good arm out for them to take hold of.

At once they both grabbed on and within seconds they were being transported. Once the flashing lights and the spinning room had disappeared I could make out where we were.

We had landed in a dark cave; the shallow water lay beside the rock and the further back out of the cave it went, the deeper it became.

"Why did you come here?" Carlisle asked Bella; Inspecting the scenery himself.

"Dumbledore found a Horecrux."

"Where are we Professor?" Harry asked him.

"This Harry, is the cave where I believe Tom Riddle has hidden one of his Horecruxes." He explained to them.

"How can you tell where they are?" Bella asked him.

"Well you just have to put the clues together."

Dumbledore walked over to the centre of the rocky wall and slit his palm across one of the sharp rocks. The blood pouring out of his hand, he smeared it across the wall.

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