Chapter 8: Break In

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I was stood, hidden, behind a large statue trying to catch a Ministry worker as they came by so that I could knock them out and pretend to be them. Ron, Hermione and Harry were also doing the same thing.

Well that doesn't sound at all weird.

You could easily tell if they were they were muggles or not because the magical ones looked very suspicious, like they were trying too hard to fit in.

Then I noticed a tall, blonde woman heading my way. She looked as though she was trying to shrink and blend into the background. Then to top it off I saw her wand pointing out of her back pocket.

"Bingo!" I mentally yelled to myself. I waited until she walked around the corner and then, sneaking behind her, I grabbed my wand and shot her down.

And no I didn't kill her or anything drastic like that. I just knocked her out.

Making sure that no-one was looking I pulled her over into the corner of the room where I saw Hermione, Ron and Harry all standing there with their Ministry workers.

"You got it?" I asked Hermione who nodded eagerly.

She pulled out four small bottle containers out of her never ending bag. Passing them out she began to go over the plan with us.

"Remember, once you've taken one of their hairs and drank the potion with the hair in, change into their clothes. We'll see you at the Ministry." And with that she walked off.

I went over to the woman and yanked a golden hair from her head. After dropping it into the Polyjuice potion I drank it.

It was repulsing. It was lumpy and cold. And tasted like vomit and crap.

When the bottle was empty I threw it onto the ground and squatted down onto my knees. I hugged my stomach hoping that I didn't hurl. Moments later I felt myself almost vibrate and I started to tingle. Then it stopped. I got up, now feeling normal, but I felt taller somehow. I went over and found myself looking in a mirror but the person I was looking at was not me. She was in her late 20's (maybe early 30's) and had peachy skin, long blond hair that was hung back into a bun and midnight blue eyes. She was wearing a tight, black pencil skirt, a striped black and white shirt and a black blazer.

That was me....!

The feeling of being in somebody else's body would never seem like a normal thing. No matter how many times I did it.

I ran over to where Hermione was stood when I noticed what I was wearing on my feet. Heels! Oh no. I wasn't good in heels. Sure I'd worn them before but if I had to make a quick escape these wouldn't be too much help.

Ignoring the shoes I ran over to Hermione.

Hermione, now a middle aged woman with light brown hair that was in a high bun like my own, she had blue eyes like also like myself but lighter, and she was wearing a brown blazer with gold and purple stripes as well as a bronze knee length skirt with black tights.

"Hi Hermione" I whispered to her, "What's your name?"

"Um... it's Mafalda Hopkins. You?"

I opened up my blazer to find my name sewn in.

"Uh... Evra Alinda" I answered her, "Anyway we have to go. Come on."

After checking that I looked alright, I left the two boys along with Hermione and we headed over to the Ministry building.

Looking like we were trying to fit in we strutted over to the building where everyone was lined up to go into the toilets but no-one was ever coming out.

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