Chapter 72: Ministry and strange visions

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"Incedio" Ron yelled setting the locket on fire however did not burn.

"Impervious" Hermione said. Yet again the locket did nothing but fly across the floor.

"Fidelius" Harry screamed pointing at the Horcrux.

"Reducto" Bella finally yelled. The locket did nothing.

Having enough with the stupid thing, Bella stepped forwards and started throwing random spells and the locket but still, it never got destroyed.

"Damn locket" She murmured angrily as she stormed off past the test. Harry following.

Placing themselves down on a small tree stump not far from the tent, Harry pulled a half smashed piece of glass out from his pocket and the two of them chatted about Sirius.

The moment Harry touched the locket we were all pulled into a vision. There was old man stood shivering in the corner of a dark looking room. He was old and had grey hair. Both his face and clothes were messy as though he hadn't washed in a long time. He was surrounded by a ton of books.

Voldemort was there and he kept yelling at the man and ordering him to tell him who took 'it'. But what was it? And who was the man.

When he told Voldemort who had taken it, he gleamed a smile right before killing him in one single movement.

"What was that about? Who was that man?" Jasper asked once the... (Vision?) was over.

I shrugged, "My guess is as good as anyone's"

"Well who ever that man was, poor him." Esme sighed softly. I pulled her closer to me.

The picture faded out and came back to another night. The three of them (the three being Hermione, Bella and Harry) were sat in one of the rooms with the out stretched table. Hermione was cutting Harry's hair and Bella was lying on her back on the table; staring up at the ceiling.

One second Hermione was messing with Harry's hair and the next, she dropped the scissors onto the table and moved closer to Bella.

She lightly pushed Bella until she rolled of the pile books she had been lying on. Unfortunately, she moved a little too fast and a little too hard and ended up falling off the table, onto the bench and then onto the hard floor.

"Sorry Bella" Hermione screeched as she ran past.

"I'm okay'' Bella grunted in response, "Don't worry I'm fine"

"That looked painful." Emmett grunted.

As Hermione began flicking through pages, Harry helped his sister off the floor.

"How could I of been so stupid" Hermione mumbled under her breath as she stopped on one of the pages.

"What?" Bella asked taking a look at the book.

"You two destroyed Tom Riddles diary in the chamber of secrets 5 years ago. Right?"

"Yes with a basilisk fang. And don't tell me you've got one of those in your bloody bag" He said eying the bag.

Hermione ignored his comment and carried on talking.

"Well the basilisk fang has a special and rare covering that allows it to cut through the strong force in the Horcruxs" She took a breath, "That's why none of the spells we did worked, not only that but the sword of Gryffindor is also covered in the same liquid which means..."

"That the sword can also destroy the Horcruxs" Harry and Harry said together. A smile forming on their faces.

At that moment the lights in the room flickered off.

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