Chapter 87: St Mungo's Hospital

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(39 years later)

My back was lying against the soft cushions of the couch as I stared up towards the pearly white ceiling.

The rest of the Cullen's were sprawled either around the large living room or sat in the kitchen; however unnecessary the room was it did come in handy with its large exterior.

Renesmee my beautiful baby girl, however she was very far from a baby anymore, nearing 7 years since her birth she now looked around 16 and she was a perfect mix between me and Edward. With my hair and old doe eyes and with his perfect other features.

Harry and the rest of my extended family especially were glad that Renesmee was immortal like us. They had seen the toll the worry of it all had been on me; I barely hunted, I didn't socialise much and any time where I was coddling my daughter I was locked away in my room.

Plus they were all extremely taken with her and were glad she wasn't going anywhere.

Renesmee was sat on the couch opposite me with Jacob at her side. Yes that's right, Jacob had imprinted on my daughter but as much as I hated it there wasn't anything I could do about it.

I could hear the mummers coming from their conversations however I wasn't paying attention, I was counting the number of specks of dust.

And that's when I felt it.

A burning sensation in my chest. I hadn't felt pain like this since the agonising three days of my change.

My heart, even though un-beating for many years, felt as though it was being teared apart.

I clenched my chest and rolled onto the floor. My cries seemed to grab the attention of my other family members who came running in with worried faces.

Renesmee jumped up from the couch and crouched down beside me, her bronze curls framing her face and her eyes wide with worry.

"Mum are you okay?" She whispered.

I ignored her question. I knew exactly what this was.

"No" I groaned.

Though everyone else would have assumed that was the answer to my daughter's question it was not. That was because I knew what this was. What this was about.

I jumped up from my current position and ran over to the draws where I left my wand. Giving one final glance over to my family I flashed from the room and to the place I knew I needed to go.

St Mungo's Hospital


I sprinted towards the main desk, at human speed though I didn't want to freak anyone out more than I had to.

"Harry Potter, where is he?" I breathed as I landed against the wooden desk. The woman sat their looked up at me through her glasses. She was young, maybe in her 20's, and had dark brown hair that reached way past her shoulders; her skin olive colours and her eyes a casual blue.

The moment her eyes connected with mine something looked like it clicked within her and then she gave me a sorrowful look.

"I presume you're his sister?" I nodded, "Room A29. Down the hall, up the stairs, first room to the left."

I didn't need a second longer to allow my mind to process the information, I just ran. Vampire speed this time.

I followed the directions given to me by the lady on the desk and within seconds I arrived outside the room where Harry was.

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