Chapter 17: Malfoy Manor

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"No!" I screamed loudly as I continued to get pulled backwards. I struggled, and kicked, I yelled and I screamed but his grip on my arm only seemed to tighten.

'Why wouldn't he just let me go!'

Suddenly I was beeing thrown backwards into a stone, brick wall.

I fell to the floor as the door slammed shut heavily behind me.

"Bella!" Harry gasped releaved as he helped me up from the floor, "Are you okay?"

"Fine. But we have to help Hermione. She's with Bellatrix... alone." I said breathing heavily as I leaned itno Harry's side.

"Now what do we? Ron screamed, "We can't just leave her in there with miss crazy. Who knows what she'll do to Hermione!."

"Calm down Ron, we'll figure out a plan" I told him and he seemed to relax a little.

There was a shuffling noise and the lights in the room started to shake slightly.

"Wait. Do you hear that?" Harry asked and we all became silent.

"Hello" A familiar voice said quietly from behind us.

"Luna?" I asked as her head poked out from the darkness.

"What are you doing here?" Harry also questioned.

"Oh, well they came for me during the night a few days ago. They were angry at my father for supporting you two. But i'm fine."

"Oh. I'm so sorry Luna" I told her sincerley.

"It's okay. We're not just going to stop supporting you just because of He Who Must Not Be Named. And I know it's not your fault."

"Well thank you Luna but..." I got cut off.

Out of the darkness a small figure hobbled out. It was a goblin. It was Griphook!

"Griphook, why are you here?" Harry asked him suppressed

"There's no time to explain, but...." He got cut off by the sound of tiny footsteps coming from the stairs.

Another familiar face popped into the room. He was easily recognisable with his scruffy, grey t-shirt and mix matched socks. It was dobby.

"Dobby!" Me and Harry said simultaneously.

"Why are you here?" Harry asked

"I'm here to help master Harry and Mistress Bella and their friends." Dobby squeaked proudly.

Awww! I love that little elf.

"Thanks Dobby. We need to get Hermione out of there and get out of here ourselves. We need a plan." He paused, "Dobby you can flash in and out, cant you?" Harry stated.

"Of course, Master Harry" He nodded.

"Great. Now Dobby I need you to wait at the top of the stairs and make some noise so that Wormtail will be ordered down here to see what's going on. Make sure he can't see you though. When he opens that door" He explained pointing at the cage that was keeping us locked in, "You knock him out. Bella, Ron and I will go upstairs and get Hermione while you get Luna and Griphook and bring them upstairs. Then you flash us out. Got it?" He finished.

"But where too?" I asked.

"How about Shell Cottage? It's a little place on the beach we own; not many people know about it. Currently Bill and Fluer are staying there." Ron told us.

Cottage... On the beach... Not many people know about it. Sounds good to me.

Dobby nodded along with the rest of us.

A few minutes later we put are plan into action. As Dobby flashed himself upstairs, we ran through the plan a few times to make sure we completly understood it; simple as the plan might seem we couldn't take any chances. Hermione's life was on the line.

And so was ours.

Yet we didn't have much chance to as suddenly Wormtail began approaching down the stairs only a few moments later.

The heavy, metal door slammed open and out came Wormtail.

"What's going on dow...." He started ,a look of confusion and anger on his fat, rat like face, but got cut of as he froze on the spot and fell to the ground with a large clutter.

"Good job Dobby. Now, go get Luna and Griphook" I said and he nodded.

"Miss" Dobby offered as he held his hand out to her and she accepted it and smiled.

"Why thank you sir" She smiled happily.

"Sir" Dobby squeaked, "Dobby doesn't get called sir. I like her already" Dobby told us also with a happy smile.

I turned to smile at the cute little elf before following Ron and my brother up the stairs to Hermione. And unfortunately Bellatrix, The Malfoys and a bunch of other Death Eaters and Snatchers that were about to kill us.

Well not us personly, they wanted to keep us alive until Voldemort could get his snake like hans on us. And then he would kill us.

Slowly we crept up the stairs and opened the door. Bellatrix wasn't there and neither was anyone else.

'They must be next door.' I thought to myself

"They must be next door" I said again but this time out loud.

Stepping fully into the room I gasped at the horrendous sight infront of me. My best friend Hermione was lying unconscious on the floor with blood dripping down her left arm. Scratched on said Mudblood.

Even though the sight of blood made me sick to my stomach, I couldn't look away. Poor Hermione left alone up here with that crazy bitch. The pain of that must have been unbearable.

The sound of footsteps entered the room and I jumped back into the shadows so that we were un-noticable.

"Lucius call the dark lord" she hissed in a terrifying voice, "Let him know that we've captured those rats. And the Potter twins too" Bellatrix laughed icily yet somewhat also happily.

Lucius began to leave the room and that's when we jumped out. Wands a the ready. Mine was pointing over at than the crazy bitch herself.

At the sound of our footsteps they turned around to face us. I shot the wand out of Lucius's hand so he was unable to call Voldemort. But Bellatrix was one step ahead as she yanked up the barely conscious Hermione who whimperd at her touch.

"Put down the wands" she yelled as she held her wand up to Hermione's head.

Doing as she said, we dropped the wands on the floor and Draco ran to collect them.

"Damn, what to do now" I thought to myself

"Put her down!" Ron growled at her.

She shook her head and laughed

Up from above her I saw the crystal chandelier sway and as the seconds went by the swaying got bigger and more noticeable

I looked up and above the swaying chandelier I saw a green, pointy pair of ears. Dobby. That smart, problem solving little elf.

The light swung on its last hinges before it fell from the sky. About to fall on Bellatrix..... And Hermione!

But before I had chance to worry about anything, Bellatrix looked up and just in time to move out the way. Hermione was thrown forwards just as the crystals exploded on the floor.

And Ron caught onto Hermione before she fell onto the floor.

"You!" She yelled pointing her long finger at Dobby, "You nearly killed me!"

"Dobby doesn't mean to kill, only to harm or seriously injure" he said back to her.

Then Luna and Griphook came running from behind Draco, our wands in Luna's hand.

Bellatrix let out an angry growl as she dug down into her dress pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife.

And then... she threw it in our direction.....

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