Chapter 62: The Ministry (Part 1)

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The hundreds of students sat in the Great Hall; sat in perfectly straight lines, aligned one in front of the other. On their desks was a stack of paper which they were all scribbling upon with stressed and worried looks on their faces. Some of them however were just sat staring, looking down at the paper in front of them and then up to look at Umbridge, who was sat at the back of the room on her chair like a queen. A cup of pink tea in her hand and a snarky smile on her face.

Apart from the ticking of the large clock on the wall and the sound of the pens scribbling against the paper, it was silent.

Bella and her friends sat one in front of the others. Hermione at the front followed by Ron, then Harry and Bella at the back. Hermione, who had been running her fingers through her hair multiple times like a brush, was sat not looking up; her hair sat on her head like a birds nest.

Beside her, to her left, was Luna Lovegood and Neville.

A few minutes into the silence, the smirk that Umbridge smiled grew and suddenly the room was surround with sound of whimpers and agonising cries. The noise echoing off the walls.

Looking down I saw a few of the students look down and scrunch their hands into tight balls as a red rash erupted onto them. Spelling put, 'I must not tell lies' the same way as it had done to Bella and Harry during their detention with her.

"How dare she! It's bad enough to do it to two students, but to all of them!" Esme snapped as she watched from afar.

I looked over my shoulder to my beloved Bella who had tightened her lips into a hard grin in attempt to not be heard crying. Her fists were clenched tightly and she was squirming in her seat. I wanted to hurt that monster for inflicting pain on my love!

The cries eventually began to die down and soon enough the room was silent once more.

However, that silence only lasted for a minute longer as suddenly, the doors leading into the room, slammed open and Fred and George Weasley (on their brooms) came flying in, laughing and screaming as they did. Dropping balls that exploding leaving colours of dust everywhere.

"Now this is my sort of style!" Emmett yelled excitedly, fist pumping the air as he watched.

The papers on the desks flew off as the student's erupted into cheers.

"What?" I heard Umbridge mumble from her position at the other end. She stood up and hesitantly stumbled forwards, "Stop!" She tried to scream but her voice just got lost through the jumbles of the other voices in the room.

Then the twins flew towards her; flicking their wands and out came a roaring dragon. She gave it one horrified look before running out, screaming like a child.

The minute she left, the cheers got louder and the remaining students ran outside to the school grounds where the rest of the school seemed to be waiting.

Harry and Bella stood huddled together, laughing and clapping as they watched the Weasley's being cheered on, as their friends stood crowded around them.

"I love those guys!" Emmett screamed.

"That was so cool." Alice cheered also.

The frequency in the air changed to a high pitched one that blocked out the surrounding sound and buzzed in my ears like a bee. Not only that, but the vision blurred too.

Glancing back up I saw that both Harry and Bella had fallen onto their knees. Holding their heads in their hands.

The scene around changed into what started fuzzy but eventually became clearer.

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