Chapter 74: Captured by Snatchers

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The four of them were gathered around the tent in silence when suddenly there was a loud noise from outside.

"What was that?" Bella breathed.

No one answered. So instead they went outside to investigate.

They saw nothing so they decided to go deeper into the forest. There was another twig like snap and, without looking back to check, they ran.

They continued to run through the forest, refusing to look back. Ducking from braches, jumping over logs; but the Snatchers were fast and soon caught up. Seeing them coming, Harry and Bella swerved around a tree but stopped in their tracks once they saw Hermione stood right in front of them.

Doing something unexpected, she blasted the two of them in the face with her wand.

Within a seconds, both Bella's lips and face had swelled up slightly, her lips gleaming ruby red. Her eyes now larger and her skin darker. Harry on the other hand looked as though he had been attacked by an angry swarm of bees as his face now had swollen up.

Before even having the chance to stand up, she was dragged off the ground by the elbow by a Snatcher. His hair was short and raggedy, he was wearing dirty, ripped clothes.

One of the men was holding a large roll of paper filled with different names.

"Name?" The one in the middle asked looking at Hermione

"Penelope Clearwater" Hermione lied smoothly.

"Hmm" He said grabbing her by the chin.

"Let her go!" Ron yelled as he struggled to get out of the Snatchers grip.

"Shut up! The man yelled, "Beautiful" He smiled looking back at Hermione.

Looking over at Harry the man continued to speak,

"What happened to you ugly?"

Harry ignored his question and continued to say nothing, so the man asked once more.

"Name" He instructed. Louder this time

"Vernon Dursley" Harry lied croakily.

"And how about you" The man said looking at me.

"Elizabeth Mason"

She picked Edwards mothers name that was very sweet.

"Aww Edward, she picked your mother's name! Isn't that just the sweetest?" Alice said with a huge smile.

Edward didn't respond but instead smiled to himself.

Once she had said it, she looked down at her finger to see the ring dazzling under the sun.

"She kept the ring." Edward muttered ever so quietly to himself.

"Check the list" He demanded.

The man gazed over the list but then shook his head.

"Not on the list" The man in the middle said.

"Then what do we do with them?" Another one of them asked.

"Let's take em' back to Malfoy Manner" One replied gruffly.

"Do they mean Malfoys house?" Jasper said.

Then they started dragging them to the other side of the forest. Only stopping when reaching a huge white mansion closed off by a large, black gate.

They then dragged them inside and threw them onto the cold floor.

In the room was Bellatrix Lestrange, the Snatchers that had brought the four of them in, a few other Death Eaters and the Malfoys. Including Draco.

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