Chapter 21: Gringotts break in

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"How do I look?" Hermione asked emerging from the house. She looked just like Bellatrix Lestrange.

Her caramel curly hair was now jet black and in a mess covering the top of her head like a birds nest. She was wearing a long, black flowing dress that she had found in Fluer's closet early that morning .

"Horrible" Ron responded.

Ron was now disguised with a fake beard and like Hermione, was dressed fully in black.

'What is it with the bad guys and wearing black? Is it some sort of trend?' I thought to myself as I looked at the clothes my two closest friends were wearing.

"We're counting on you Griphook, get us into her vault and the sword is yours. Once we have used it" Harry reminded him.

Griphook nodded.

We grabbed onto each other, and with a flash we were gone.

As I regained my vision and balance I saw that we were standing just outside Gringotts.

Harry bent down low enough that Griphook could sit on his shoulders and disappeared under the safety of his invisibility cloak.

I on the over hand disappeared from sight using my most prized possession.

A necklace that was given to me at my first Christmas at Hogwarts. It belonged to my mother.

We entered. Hermione in front with Ron following slightly behind.

Hermione walked unsteadily to the front desk in her 3 inch heals.

"I demand to see my vault" Hermione said using her best Bellatrix voice.

"ID please" Said the goblin behind the desk without even glancing up.

Ah shit... they're bound to figure it out! We're doomed.

"I hardly think that that will be necessary" Hermione coughed.

"Oh. Madam Lestrange." Said the goblin looking up to look at Hermione, "But I will still need ID."

My mind froze. What were we suppose to now, we don't have any proof. My mind was racing with many thoughts until I heard Harry whisper something.


A few seconds later The goblin got a dopey smile on his face. He closed his eyes to only reopen them a second later

"This way" He said jumping down from his seat and leading us out of the room.

"Here we are" He responded again gesturing towards a small, unsafe cart. But without the sides

Unwillingly I hopped onto the cart beside Harry and it started moving.

The cart moved quickly, so quickly I thought that I was going to fall.

The ride continued for a few minutes. And that's when I notice a rather large stream of water falling from above. It was getting larger as we approached. And nor was it looking like it was to stop at any moment soon.

And then we went under, as we did I felt the magical, tingling sensation that I usually had when wearing this necklace leave my body.

I looked around me to see that not only was Harry visible again, but that Hermione now looked like..... Hermione.

Then we were thrown overboard.

I screamed the entire way down. As gushes of air blew my hair back and burned my face. The ground was getting closer, and closer. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to erupted over my body, but it didn't come not straight away anyway.

I stood up and dusted my self off.

"What in the devils are you doing down here?" Yelled the Goblin.

He waited for his answer but it never came as we had already started running towards her vault.

The vault door swung open and lay inside was millions of gold.

"Accio Horcrux" Hermione said, wand at front.

"Your not seriously trying that one again" Ron said to her.

"That type of magic doesn't work in here" Griphook told Hermione

"Is it in here?" Hermione she the both of us

We nodded to answer her question.

Then I saw it. A small golden trophy, settled on the top of a pile of other golden objects.

"There it is" I said using my wand to point

I stated walking toward it when I accidentally his a cup with my foot, before my eyes it stated to multiply until there must have been at least 12

"Everything you touch will multiply" Griphook informed us.

"Stay still" Hermione yelled but I completely ignored her and continued to run towards the cup. The cups got bigger and bigger until they were reaching up to my neck.

"Come on" I yelled as me and Harry continued to race towards the Horcrux. We got closer and closer. It was a arms length away. Nearly in my grip.

I felt my self being pushed under. Further down as more gold landed on top of me. I stopped moving.

I knew what Harry was thinking, and I was thinking the same.

1,2,3 blast.

A green blast of light shot from the tip of our wands, blasting many of the golden cups from out path and allowing us out.

We scrambled out and rolled down the hill of gold, grabbing the cup as we did.

"Help us Griphook" I pleaded

He looked down at me and smirked

"I said that I would help you get in, I never said anything about getting you out" And with that he dissaperated from the vault. With the sword.

"Defodio!" Hermione screamed pointing at the volt door.

The door blasted over; landing several feet away.

Next, Hermione ran over to me and Ron to Harry and gave us a hand up.

"Come on!" Ron yelled running out of the vault.

As we ran round the corner I heard a loud rawr and froze in my tracks. A large.... No humongous dragon was standing in the centre of the room. It had a pastel green scales, deadly sharp spikes ,trailing from the back of his head down to the beginning of his tail, it had huge glairing eyes along with sharp piercing teeth.

Then if things couldn't get much worse, 12 more men wearing blue uniforms and holding there wands out towards us came marching towards us. The Gringotts guards.

"Um, guys" I whispered petrified.

Ron, Hermione and Harry began running towards the stairs but I was frozen in my spot.

"Come on" Harry yelled grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me away.

"What do we do now?" Hermione yelled as we hid behind the cumbering walls.

Spells were flying from every direction as the hit and flew off the walls.

"I don't know. You the smart one!" Ron shouted back to her.

"Well I have something but its mad" she said pointing at the wall, "Defodio!"

With that she jumped from the landing and landed onto the dragons back, holding onto the spikes to stop her from falling.

I followed her and jumped after.

"Well come on then" I yelled to the over the sounds of loud banging.

The guys jumped up and landed beside us.

"Defodio" Hermione yelled agian pointing at the ceiling. The spell hit the wall causing it to crumble and fall. then she used the revulsion charm and the dragon broke free on his chains.

The dragon spreaded his wings and suddenly we went flying outside.

Free and safe! For now

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