Chapter 79: Meeting the Family

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The surroundings were disfigured and the details were blurry. Bella continued to follow her brother and Voldemort just as we followed her.

A few seconds later Bella fell from her position in the air and onto the concrete ground; falling onto her left arm, I wondered how much pain she was in right now and how she continued to fight with it. She was a strong girl.

Voldemort and Harry were already on the floor as Bella collapsed not far from her brother. Her wand rolling away from her grasp.

Her wand now lying just a few feet ahead of her; just beside Harry's.

Gritting her teeth she crawled towards it, hooking her petite fingers around it and picking it up with a tight grip.

Once in her grasp she got up and turned to face Voldemort.

"Expelliarmus!" She and Harry yelled,

"Avada kerdava!" Voldemort screamed at the same time.

Red lights flew from the tips of their wands as a green one came towards them. They met in the middle, sending sparks to fly in every direction. Bella put on a brave face but I could see the struggle in her eyes. We all watched carefully, not daring to speak.

Turned momentarily I saw Neville. He was holding onto the sword of Gryffindor like he had been when we last saw him. He swung it once, cutting the snake by the neck. His head falling from his body.

Once this happened, Voldemort's spell became weak and dropped, allowing Harry and Bella to let it go. He bent forwards and hollered in pain before starting up his spell again, this time only holding onto his wand by the end. The two twins suddenly hitting Voldemort square in the chest with their spell. He was dying.

His face began to flake off, causing parts of his body to flake away too. It carried on like this until nothing was left. Voldemort was dead! They had killed him.

Everyone around was silent for the moments afterwards. Bella let out a loud muffled laugh and leaned over to hug Harry while they both grinned.

The memory faded out as Bella and Harry ran towards Neville and their group of friends. Getting fuzzier and fuzzier until they was no longer nothing their but the surroundings of our house.

Throwing me head from out of the Pensive, I ran towards Bella and embraced her in a hug; after everything she had been through she deserved one.

"Oh, Esme." She gasped, "Hi"

"I'm so sorry for everything you've been through."

"Thank you." Bella smiled as I pulled away, "But you don't need to apologies, there's nothing that you could have done."

"I know that, but I want to. And I love you too."

She grinned in response, "I love you too."

As I unraveled my arms from Bella Edward ran to her side. Hugging her and not letting go.

"Um Edward... You can let me go you know, I won't fall apart or break or anything." She tried to tell him.

He just held her tighter, "Are you sure you're okay? Are you hurt? Anywhere."

"I'm fine." She insisted, "Maybe traumatized for life but..." Edward worriedly glanced at her.

"Edward I'm joking!"

"Bella you really are a target for danger aren't you." Emmett said as he sat down on the chair opposite her.

"That's all you have to say. Not 'I'm sorry Bella' or 'How are you' How kind." She comment sarcastically.

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