Chapter 33 : Into the mind

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"So then we had this huge Christmas feast in the great hall ,with all the remainding students and teachers, and then later that night while everyone was sleeping me and Harry went into the library to see if we could find anything on Nickolas Flamel. But of course we knew that Hermione had already searched the library which we knew meant that we had to search the restricted area. We couldn't stay long though because the books in the restricted area are dangerous. Things jump out of them and everything.

We were searching through the books when Harry dropped the lamp that he was holding which caused the glass to shatter and Mr Flinch to come running in searching for the victim of the noise.

On the way out of the library we saw Snape talking to- more like yelling at professor Quirrell. Me and Harry left after that but we didn't go straight back to bed and we went for a little detour. We found this room and it was empty. The only thing left in it was this large mirror. So we went over to it and stood in front of it. The mirror showed us our reflections but then the strangest thing happened! Our parents appeared in the mirror with us and it just looked so real, like they were stood behind us." I smiled sadly. Of course they weren't there. They never would be.

"So we did what anyone would do and ran to tell Ron but when he looked into it he didn't see our parents he saw himself about 5 years into the future.

He was head boy and the Gryffindor Quidditch keeper, he was holding the winning cup. Harry and I visited the mirror daily after that day and then one day when we were visiting it, Dumbledore found us and told us that is was the mirror of Erised and that it showed us what we desired most. He also told us that the mirror was to be removed from this room and that we shall not go looking for it. Though he never told us why which was a bit strange."

I thought back to that day; Dumbledore telling us how when he looked at his reflection in the mirror he saw himself holding socks. Dumbledore was aways a strange man.

"After the Christmas Holiday Hermione headed straight to the library because she remembered reading something with the mention of Nickolas Flamel in it. It was a 2000 something paged book she checked out a a few weeks ago for some light reading."

"That's not light reading" Alice scoffed, "Anyway who could read such a boringly long book that doesn't even have pictures or fashion."

"I could" I said to her shrugging, "And you don't know Hermione"

"You read that book. Why?" Alice whined

"Because I got bored. And it was actually pretty intresting; sure it was no Wuthering Heights but it was a good time passer."

"So then she read to us the bit about Nickolas Flamel and how he was the rightful owner and creator on the philosopher's stone. So later that day we went to Hagrid's place and we told him that we knew what they were hiding and that we were sure that Snape was trying to get. Hagrid thought that we were being silly, that Snape wasz helping protect it, but we still didn't believe him. Then after we left we sort of put the pieces together. Someone randomly gives Hagrid a Dragon after he has wanted one for a long time. He doesn't show his face and then he asked what sort of animals he looks after and how to deal with them. Whoever who was going to take it, was going to do that night.

we went down to the common room to get ready but Neville came down and refused to let us leave because we had already lost us enough house points and that we can't get into any more trouble to loose anymore, which I don't disagree with, so then Hermione had to use the Petrificus Totalus spell on him which makes your body freeze up like a statue.

Once getting past Neville we went through the door with the creepy 3 headed dog however when we got there there was already music playing. Just our look though it stopped just as we got in so we had to be quick. When we got through the floor door we fell and landed in this plant thing that kind of swallowed you if you struggled. Luckily Hermione remembered that if ever in one of these plants you were supposed to stay calm and then you would come out the other end. But Ron didn't listen and he continued to still struggle so Hermione had to use a sun spell to save him. After we got passed the plant we had to unlock a door but it was locked. Beside the door there were about 100 keys with tiny wings attached flying around and a broom lay underneath them. Harry had to get on it and find the right key but when he started flying all the keys flew towards him like a tornado. He got the right key pretty quickly though and off we went to the next door where a giant chess game was waiting."

"What's so scary about a chess game?" Emmett laughed.

"Wizard chess is different to regular chess; in wizard chess the pieces come to life. So with Ron's help we managed to get all the way across the board but during the game he managed to get hurt because the only way for us to get across was to sacrifice his player. Hermione stayed with Ron while me and Harry carried on.

The next room was a huge, mainly marble, room which had a set of stairs leading fown to the lower level of the room. The mirror of Erised in all it's finer glory was placed at the back of the room; straight down from the centre of the stairs. What happened next was pretty suprising for both of us, Professor Quirrell came from behind the mirror which neither of us were expecting as we had all thought that it would have been Snape. But he then told us that this year Snape had been protecting us and that he had suspected that he was up to no good. Then Quirrell took off his turban and on the back of his head was Voldemort"

"What!" the entire Cullen family yelled.

"How? I thought that you said that he was destroyed" yelled Edward.

"Yes I did say that, but he wasn't destroyed fully. You see somehow he managed to latched himself onto Quirrell to survive. So together they explained to us that they were after the Philosophers stone and once they had it and Voldemort was back to his full power, he would kill us, like he wanted to do all those years ago. They got Harry to look into the mirror and tell him what he saw. Harry saw himself put the stone in his pocket and when he went to go check it was there. When they commanded that he tell them what he saw he lied and said that he saw himself shaking hands with Dumbledore.

They didn't buy it and therefor Quirrell was ordered to kill us. The room was suddenly on fire and when we tried to escape he struck us with a spell and made us fall backwards, down the stairs. By then I was getting kind of tired as I had hit my head pretty hard when I fell. He came towards us and tried to strangle us and me and Harry tried to push him away. His face burnt when we touched him. So we carried on until Quirrell himself had been destroyed and then... we passed out. We woke up in the hospital wing a few days later and Dumbledore was there waiting for us to wake up. He explained to us how we managed to survive when Voldemort tried to kill us as babies."

Edward asked "How?"

"Well you see before my mother got kill she managed to protect us with a love shield that was so powerful it managed to almost kill Voldemort and protcet ourselves. It was her dying wish."

"Intresting." Carlisle said suddenly intreged, "Do you know exactly how the shield works. It must have it's boundries otherwise everybody would use it."

"Well as far as i believe, it can only be used in desperate need and usually when the person in sacrafising themselves for it's purpuse. Which is what my mother did; sacrafise her life for ours."

Edward hugged me closer to his chest in a comforting way and i stayed there with my head against his chest for a second longer before pulling away and speaking again.

"Anyway, Ron and Hermione came to see us and they were both fine. That night it was the last meal we were having before the holidays began. Slytherin had managed to win and Gryffindor had lost but Dumbledore had some final points to give out. 10 for Hermione for her exclusive amount of knowledge and ways of applying it to real life to save her friends. Another 10 for Ron for the best game of Chess that Hogwarts has seen in a long time. 30 for both me and Harry for showing amounts of bravery. Now we were equal with Slytherin. Then he awarded Neville 5 points for standing up to his friends. Gryffindor won! The next day it was time for us to leave and I was not looking forward to going back to a house with the Dursleys but then Hagrid reminded us that is wasn't really goodbye and that it wouldn't be long until we were back. Then he gave us this nice photo book with a picture of our parents dancing and a picture of me, Harry, Hermione and Ron.

The end."

"Cool I wish that there was a way that I could see that" Emmett whined, "Imagion how awesome that would be."

"Well maybe there is" I thought, "One sec." I stood up and apparated out the house and back to my world to pick something up.

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