Chapter 67: Lucky potion

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"No Harry. Either we both go or we find another way to do it." Bella commanded. The four of them were sat in an empty commons room.

For some reason this room always seemed to be empty whenever they were in it.

"But Bella..." He whined in response.

"Come on Harry, there is enough of that potion for the two of us. So come on, hand it over." Harry sighed and as he did he passed over a small glass container filled with a clear liquid.

"What's that?" Emmett asked as he passed it over.

"That Felix Felicis also known as the lucky potion." Bella explained to him.

"You have a lucky potion." He repeated in disbelief.

Bella nodded, "Yeah, but they're hard to come across and when you do get them they only come in small portions."

Memory Bella twisted the top of the bottle and took a small swig before carefully passing it back over to her brother.

"So, how do you feel?" Hermione asked uncertainly once they had both finished drinking.

"Good." Bella nodded.

"Great even." Harry smiled.

"Remember, Slughorn eats early then takes a walk before going back to his office" Hermione reminded them.

"Nah. I'm not going." Bella responded.

"Wait! What? Harry." She turned to face him who just stared at her expressively.

"Nah." He shook his head.

"Then where are you two going?" Hermione asked with a confused look on her face.

"Hagrids Hut." They both said in unison.

The two didn't say anything but instead just stared at the two in silence.

"I have a really good feeling about going to Hagrids. Like it's the place to be." Bella turned to Harry who nodded in agreement, "You know what I mean?"

"No" The two shook their heads.

"Well Harry does, don't ya."

"Trust us Hermione." Harry agreed, "We know what we're doing."

Then they turned and walked out the room, leaving the two of them confused and stunned.

"That potion sure made the two of you act strange." Alice pointed out.

"I wouldn't say strange; just overly confident."

Harry and Bella left the common room and carried on walking until they were outside, over the school grounds and over to where the Herbology room was. From an empty window we could see Slughorn reaching in from the outside and taking something from one of the plants.

"Hello sir." Bella greeted chirpily; startling him and causing him to jump back.

"Ahh." He yelled startled, turning to face them, "What are you doing here?"

"Could ask you the same question sir." Harry smirked.

Slughorn looked down at the leaves in his hand, "Ah well Mandrake leaves are very good for a certain potion; though of course Madam Pomphrey doesn't improve of me taking them. Anyway shouldn't the two of you be inside? It's past curfew."

Harry turned away, "Nah we're going to Hagrids."

"What? No you can't do that without supervision."

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