Chapter 75: Escaping on a Dragon

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The blade drew closer but just as it was to reach them, Dobby flashed them out of the room.

Within seconds they were away from the mansion and now on a sandy beach. For a moment it seemed as though all was fine until Dobby was seen cowering over in the puddles of the waves.

"D-Dobby" Bella stuttered, "Wh-what happened?"

He then took his hand from behind his back to show a small, glistening pocket knife covered in his blood. His vest also stained with red.

"Aww. Poor Dobby!" Alice cried, "Is he going to die? I don't want him to die."

"That poor little elf. He managed to save them all but himself." Esme also said sadly.

"No!" She yelped as Harry and herself ran to his side and caught him just as he was just about to fall.

"Dobby" Harry whispered sadly, "You're going to be okay. Yeah your gonna be alright" He said but it sounded more like he was trying to reinsure himself rather than Dobby.

"Are you o-okay?" Bella whispered, the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Taking one long breath Dobby began to speak,

"Dying with friends is the most peaceful and best way" He whispered in one quiet breath.

"Oh no, this is getting all too emotional." Emmett said, "I don't want him die. He was cool."

Alice made a crying face before resting her head on Jaspers arm.

"No, no. Don't say that Dobby" Bella cried in response.

"But it is true mistress Bella. Dobby is dying"

As Bella wiped away a tear, he spoke for the final time.

"Don't cry. Dobby had lots of fun with Mistress Bella, Master Harry and their friends. You're the best." He said again and then his eyes slowly shut close. And this time they didn't re-open.

Then, there was silence.

"We should bury him" Harry said, tears in his eyes, "The proper way. With no magic."

As the two of them began to dig a hole in the sand, the others made their way into the cottage leaving them alone.

Once the small hole was dug, together they slowly lowered Dobby into it.

"Wait. I- I just want to-." Bella mumbled.

She threw off both her shoes and pulled off both socks. Placing them onto his small feet.

That was thoughtful.

Harry smiled at her and then finally put him to rest.

Once they were done burring him, they left towards the cottage to re-join the rest of their friends; leaving behind the small elf buried deep in the sand with a rock saying,


Here lies Dobby

A great friend and a free Elf.

27th June 1995- 22nd March 2012'


"We have to talk to Griphook and Olivander. Olivander so we can check that the wands are safe to use, and Griphook to find out why Bellatrix Lestrange was expecting the sword of Gryffindor to be in her volt at Gringotts." Bella announced.

"Okay so let's go....." Stopping mid-sentence however as she stared at something on the other side of the room.

"It's that sign again" Harry pointed out, resting his eyes on the small, yet noticeable, scratch on the wooden desk over in the kitchen.

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