Chapter 34: The snake attack

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After the car had driven away from them, they went over to the castles entrance. They dropped their bags onto the floor with the rest of the trunks.

"Okay so first an elf shows up in our room, then we can't get through into platform 9 ¾ and then we land into a tree that tries to kill us. Obviously someone doesn't want us at Hogwarts this year" Harry said.

"Wow this place is so beautiful, look at the detail and the carving on the wall." Carlisle said in amazement.

"Let's get to the great hall" Ron said as they walked up the stairs.

As they got to the top of the stair and old man with a beard and scraggy clothes was there waiting.

"Oh, someone's in trouble" the man mumbled with a smirk on his face. At that moment a greasy, black haired man in black robed came up to them. He glared at them and then indicated them to follow him. He took them to an office and stood behind the desk near the back of the room.

"That guy really needs to wash his hair more often" Alice said looking at the man.

"Hey do you think that this is the Snape guy Bella told us about?" Rosalie asked

"Probably, he doesn't look like a very nice guy, does he" Alice said back to her.

"Do you have any idea what you have done? At least 10 Muggles so you! You have given away our secret." He yelled making Harry, Ron and Bella look down at the floor, "If you were in my house you would be out of here before you can say Pumpkin juice. "

"Ah yes but it would seem, Severus, they're not in your house. So it will be up to Minerva to decide on their punishments." Said an old man with a long white beard and long red robes.

"Haha, that guy looks like Santa!" Emmett hollered.

"Emmett shut up!" Alice said to him hitting him on the back of the head.

"That must be Dumbledore, the headmaster" Carlisle said staring at him.

"We'll go pack our stuff" Ron said miserably looking down at his feet.

"What do you mean Mr Weasley" McGonagall said to him.

"Your expelling us aren't you?" he questioned looking at her.

"Not today Mr Weasley" She said again, "But you do have detention and I will be writing to your families."

They nodded.

"Miss McGonagall, did we miss the feast?" Bella asked.

"Yes you did"

"Miss did my sis-?" Ron got cut off.

"Yes, Miss Weasley made it into the Gryffindor house" McGonagall told him.

After that they were let out and they went to find their common rooms. They walked along the corridors and into their common room. Before they could go in they had to say their password to a picture on the wall.

"Wow the pictures in here move!" Yelled Alice.

"This place is so magical" Said Esme.

"Butter Winkle" they said to the picture and it opened up revealing the room. It was painted red with their house flags hanging from the walls, there was a fire place and a 2 couches in front of it.

"I'm going to bed" Bella told him "Night" she said hugging him.

She walked over to the right side of the room and up the stairs into her dormitory. She entered her room. There were 4 beds in there. Everyone was asleep except for Hermione who was sitting upright on her bed looking worried.

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