Chapter 41: Sneaking through Hogwarts

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Then they were falling far out of the sky. There brooms fell from beneath them and flew in the other direction.

The wind blew them and their robes all over the place as they fell towards the ground.

"Oh God" Esme gasped with her hand over her mouth.

Edward had this look of aanger on his face and he started flying down ater her.

"Edward! You cant catch her!" I yelled at him.

The rest of us flew after them and when we got by them they were almost at the ground.

The crowd in the stands started gasping and yelling as the two of them came into sight.

But just as they almost hit the ground they started to fall slower and slower until they were bearely moving faster than 4mph. They slowly hit the ground and them the teachers ran out to them and the players on the pitch stopped to see what was going on.

"Everbody out the way!" Madam Pomphrey yelled as she pushed past the people to get to Bella and Harry.

"Are they okay?" Hermione asked her.

"Why yes I think so yes" She answered

Hagrid then came over and picked up Harry and and then another teahcer picked up Bella. They carried them out and back into the castle so that they coukd go to the hospital wing. They put them down onto two beds that were by each other.

Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Neville and a few other people from Gryfinddor came over and stood by their beds,

"Um Ron, what happened to their brooms?" Hermione asked Ron.

"Oh yeah, well I think they flew into the womping willow, do you want me to go check?" Hermione nodded and Ron went to go walk out when Fred... or George, I still don't know, yelled.

"Don't bother Proffesor Lupin went out to go find them when we left" He told him

There was silence for few minutes

"I still can't belive we lost the game" Ron whined.

"Ron shut up I think they're coming around." Hermione whispered,

"They look abit peeky don't they" Ron said

"Well they did fall 200ft out of the air, lets take you to the top of the astronomy tower and push you off it and lets see how you look." Fred or George said.

"Probaly a right side better than he usually does" Harry sighed sitting up in his bed.

"Harry!" Hermione chered.

At the noise Bella started stiring in her bed and then she woke up.

"Ugh whats going on"? Bella groaned rubbing her eyes.

Man she was not a very pretty sight in the morning.

"Bella!" Hermione squeeled hugging he rarounf the neck.

"Ugh hey Hermione. Ugh... what's going on?" Bella yawned

"You fell from your brooms" Hermione explaied.

"Oh yeah" Bella sighed.

"So who won?" Harry asked

"Um no one blames you Harry the Dementor aren't suppose to come in the school grounds, Dumbledore was furious and sent them off straight away"

"Oh so we lost" Harry sighed.

"Oh um well one more thing, to the both of you really. Well you see when you fell your broom... um it kind of fell into the womping willow and you know it kind of... broke." Ron sais and opened up a blanket that was holding to badly broken brooms.

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