Chapter 82: Funerals and friendships

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The crowd of people began to depart from around the grave that belonged to Fred. Geroge, though needing to be pulled away, left too with the rest of his family. Everyone dressed in black to mark the occasion. I was one of the last to leave; the Cullens had also been there too. The Weasley's had taken a real liking to my extended family and knew that if Fred was still alive he would have loved them as much as they did, so of course they had came.

"You okay Bella?" Alice asked me, greeting me with a hug.

"Yeah, yeah i'm fine." I nodded trying to duck my head to hide my tears. Esme walked over to me and held my head up in her hands; wiping away my tears with her thumbs.

"It's fine to be upset Bella, we wouldn't expect anything else from you. You loved Fred like a brother." She whispered to me once before pulling me into a hug. In her embrace I felt safe, I hadn't had any experience in the matter but I believed this is what it would be like to hug your mother.

Esme had her back to the grave which meant I could see it. And with that I could see a familiar blonde headed figure in the far distance.

"Could- could you give me a minute?" I muttered. Pulling my winter coat over my body as I left the others and trecked through the Autumn leaves.

Slowly but gradually I made my way back to Freds grave where the blonde figure was kneeling. Not looking at me but towards his knees as he sat their with a sad expression on his face.

"Draco." I called his name and he looked up quickly to face me. Then even quicker he went to wipe the tears from his cheeks; however I had already seen the tear streaks on his cheeks.

"B-Bella." He stuttered himself before jumping to his feet, "I-I.."

"Draco." I shushed walking over to him and grabbing onto his wrist, "You can tell me why you're here." I gave what I hoped was a reassuring smile.

"I just feel like this is my fault. I made bad choices, I hurt people and- and..."

"Draco. Calm down. Yes you made some bad choices but you were forced into it. Your parents were death Eaters if you hadn't done what you did they would have killed you."

"But you were threatened to be killed and you never changed."

"Yeah but I didn't really have a choice, he would have killed me either way."

"But what about Ron or Hermione of even Nevi-"

"DRACO listen to me! Yes you made bad choices and maybe others didn't but what matters most is that you made the right decision when it mattered most. I may have looked dead Draco but I wasn't. I could see that when Voldemort asked for followers you didn't want to go."

He looked back over towards Freds' grave.

"I just wish I could go back and change all those years. Those years you were all having fun and I was brooding in the corner."

"Draco the past can't be changed but you are in charge of your future; you can be the man you want to be not the man you are being forced to."

"That might be true but that doesn't mean they'll ever forgive me." He mumbled looking back down at his shoes.

"Draco if i can forgive you and all the other people who have caused corruption in my life i'm sure my brother and the others can too."

"Are you sure?"

I laughed slightly, "Yes! Now stop your brooding and go home."

He nodded, looking happier as he did before I came.

"I have to go but it was great seeing you Draco, I will see you around." And with that I pulled him into a hug. At first he felt tense but sooner than later he relaxed and hugged me back.

As I began to skip away Draco called out one final thing,

"You really are a great girl Bella, i'm sorry for everything I said and did to you in the past!"

"I already forgave you." I yelled giving him a one handed soldier wave.

"Who was that Bella?" Edward asked as I arrived back to them.

Obviously with their prestigious vampire seeing they could have easily have recognized him. Even In memory for Draco is still Draco; which means they were giving me my privacy.

"Just a old friend." I answered with a warm smile. I was glad I got to see Draco and I was also glad that I got to help him come to piece.

"And were they okay?" Edward asked again as we began to slowly walk away.

"He is now." I smiled, "Now lets go home."

I grabbed hold of everyone wrists and flashed us all home.

RIP Severus Snape 😢😢

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