Chapter 10: Failed attemps

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(Later that day)

It had been around an hour and a half since we had arrived at the forest and since Ron had gotten splinched. Since then I had changed into a comfy, white jumper and a pair of loose fitting jeans; much more appropriate than a pencil skirt and blazer. Ron had woken up about 15 minutes ago and now we were about to go out to attempt to destroy the locket for the first time. None of us knew what to expect.

I grabbed the Horcrux from off the shelf beside my bed and headed back outside. Placing the locket on the dirty floor covered with leaves; I went to stand back next to my friends.

Ron went first.

"Incedio" Ron yelled. The locket set on fire but did not burn.

"Impervious" Hermione said. Yet again the locket did nothing but fly across the floor.

"Fidelius" Harry screamed pointing at the Horcrux.

"Reducto" I finally yelled, hoping that the spell did something to the stupid locket. But still nothing.

Finally I'd had enough with the stupid thing. I stepped forwards and started throwing random spells and the locket. I just wanted the damn thing to go. Destroy it then we were one step closer to killing Voldemort then we could all live in peace and I could go back to Forks to my family. To Edward. I sighed in frustration as I realized that my spells weren't doing anything to the stupid horcrux. Angrily I turned on my heel and walked over to the tent in a huff.

"Damn locket" I murmured as I watched Harry grab the locket and hang it around his neck.

"We'll take turns looking after it" Harry announced, tucking the locket into his shirt.

He turned around and followed me past the yellow tent, crunching leaves and snapping twigs as he walked. He sat himself down on a small tree stump not far from the tent and pulled out a small piece of shattered glass from his back pocket. The glass, well the mirror, that was given to us as a present for our 15th birthday. Given to us by Sirius...

"Hi" I whispered as I sat down next him and looked at the cracked bit of mirror in his hand. I looked down at my reflection. My hair was a mess and my eyes had blue bags under them. I was in a desperate need of a hairbrush and nap. Ugh! I mean I don't usually care about the way I look (I'm not that vain) but I seriously do look terrible.

'Oh Sirius. Why did you have to go?' I thought to myself. Fighting back the tears that were forming in my eyes.

Harry pulled the locket from beneath his shirt. Suddenly it felt like I was flying backwards through the forest which disappeared from in front of me and now, I was now looking at a dark room.

There was old man stood shivering in the corner of a dark looking room. He was old and had grey, whispy hair. He was surrounded by a ton of books.

'Tell me, tell me Gregorovitch' Voldemort yelled, shooting his wand at a pile of books nearby the man which made them fall to the ground with a loud thud.

'Who was it? The thief' He said again, pointing his wand at him.

As soon as the vision had begun it changed and we were now being thrown along a long corridor.

'It was a boy. It was he who took it. And then I never saw it again. I swear, I swear on my own life.' He trembled

'Oh I believe you' He grinned. Then his grin turned into a smirk, 'Arvada Kadava!' He screamed and Gregorovitch fell to the floor...

I was brought back to the real world. I saw Hermione standing in front of us.

"I thought it had stopped" She sighed, "You can't keep letting him in"

"We try Hermione" I said through my teeth. It wasn't that easy.

"You know who has found Gregorovitch." I said dropping the previous subject completely.

"The wand maker?" She said surprised.

Harry nodded. "He wants something. Something that he use to have. He wants it desperately, like his life depended on it"

The radio spoke loudly from the tent behind us; calling out a long list of names of people who had died. Harry turned to go switch it off.

"Don't" spoke Hermione.

"It's driving me nuts Hermione" Harry told her, "What does he hope to hear, Good news?"

"I think he hopes that he just doesn't hear bad news."

"How long until we can travel again?" I asked her. Hoping that the answer was soon.

"I'm not sure" She shrugged, "I'm doing everything I can" Hermione quickly added when she saw the look on Harrys face.

"Well you're not doing enough" Screamed Harry.

I was surprised at Harry's outburst, he never usually yelled. Well except for... no don't think about it. Bad memories.

"Take it off" Hermione demanded.

Take what off? The locket?

Sighing, Harry reached for the locket and pulled it from around his neck.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you weren't wearing it" She said to him.

Harry dropped the locket into the palm of her hand, she turned on her heel and head back towards the tent.

"What do we do now?" Harry muttered from beside me.

"Well I guess.... We have to keep trying to find a way to destroy the Horcrux" I told him, "And quickly" I added.

"Yeah you're right" He said getting up and offering me his hand.

Grabbing his hand, he pulled me up too.

We walked over to the tent and into the room with the table. We made our way past Ron who was still holding the radio against his chest.

Grabbing piles of Hermione's books, we sat around the table. Pages after pages and we still hadn't found anything that would help us. I lowered my head in defeat. Harry who was sitting beside me sighed. Ugh this was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I looked outside to find the sky was dark. It was almost twilight, Edwar.... 'No Bella don't think about it. It will just make you feel worse.' I commanded myself.

"Ugh, I need some fresh air. You coming?" I asked turning to face my brother.

He nodded and got up. As we headed outside, I saw 3 blurred figures standing behind Hermione. Walking up to her the blurred dots became clearer and I could recognize that the 3 blurred dots were actually people. They were.... Oh god they're Snatchers. We reached Hermione just as the Snatchers began to walk away. Hermione was breathing hard.

"Snatchers" Harry said out loud.

"They could smell my perfume" Hermione said shaken as we walked back in the direction we had just came from.

"Well Hermione next time, just don't wear any" I smiled at her, "But at least we know that you enchantments work"

There was silence of a moment then Harry began to talk,

"When are we going?" Harry asked again.

"I've told you Harry, Ron isn't strong enough to apparate"

"Then we can go by foot."

As we got closer to the tent, I saw Ron hovering outside. He looked annoyed. I walked past him, entering the tent, and smiled while walking past. He didn't smile back but glared at me instead; then turned around and stormed past me.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. What was up with him? He had seemed kind of off lately. Me and Ron had always been on a first friend basis. He was one of my closest friends and my brother's best friend. Had something changed?

I ignored it and walked off over to my bed. Not bothering to change out of my clothes I got into the covers and closed my eyes. It had been a long, long day. And for now, I just wanted to forget about it.

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