Chapter 85: The final battle

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"Mom please... I can help!" Renesmee begged, her voice very petulant.

No! I couldn't let her fight, she is my daughter and she could get hurt and as her mother it is my job to protect her. Then again... maybe she did have a point. I mean, we do need all the help we can get. No..! Yes?

I looked over at my daughters wide, begging eyes.

"Fine" I finally gave in, "But you have to stay at the side lines and at the first sight of danger you have to dissaperate out of there." I told her strictly.

She nodded, "Okay, Okay I promise."

Renesmee, being the daughter of a Witch, did inherit some magic. Not all of it but enough to do simple defensive spells and to dissaperate certain distances away. At first she was a little upset that she wasn't fully magical and that she would never have the full opportunities to go to Hogwarts like her cousins but she got over it when she realised she was part vampire and could do things they couldn't.

A year or so after Renesmee was born the family took a trip to the Amazon to see if we could find anybody else like Renesmee; the reason being we were scared about how fast she was growing. About how much longer we would have with her.

Luckily we did find another Hybrid, he had been born when a passing nomad impregnated a native woman. When he was born his mother died however her sister was bitten by the baby and turned into a vampire. She raised him.

He was nearing 120 years old however he reached full maturity and had stopped growing 10 years after his birth.

Renesmee was born 9 years ago and she looked around 16; but I swear sometimes she has the brain of a 30 year old yet the heart 10 year old. She was a mischievous girl but I supposed I had no one to blame but myself... and maybe Emmett and Harry.

But then again I let her hang out with them so the blame comes back round to me.

"Harry!" I called out for my older brother (and being that I was now a Vampire he really was my older brother).

"Bells!" He responded pushing past a few of the Wolves and Witched to get to me.

"What did you do with the boys and Lilly?" I asked about the whereabouts of the children.

"They're with Molly."

"On another note, you ready Harry?"

He nodded, "Always am"

"The super twins at it one last time." I giggled.

"True" Harry smiled, "But let's hope this is the last time."

About a week ago we had received news from the Ministry that one of the remaining Death Eaters had been turned by a passing nomad vampire. The Death Eater, a man called Gordon Dethaniel, realised that once being transformed you still kept your magic, not that that was exactly news to us. Anyhow, Gordon had honoured himself of turning other ex-Death Eaters into Vampires and finishing Voldemort's job.

So the Ministry turned to me, knowing far well that I had more knowledge in the Vampire department, me being one of course. We gathered up all the Quiluities and Wizards; not to forget the Vampires, all friends of Carlisle and Carlisle knew many. Among them was The Denali's, the cousins from Alaska.

The plan was to keep the Wizards around the side, being that unlike us they were more vulnerable to vampire strength, that way they could shield us and attack with magic. We vampires and Wolves were going to attack and I was going to do both.

The duel was to take place in a quiet Valley not to far from the whereabouts of Hogwarts, which or course meant we had to get over the border by dissaperating but the wolves did not like that idea so they went by plane.

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