Chapter 5: Wedding at the Weasley's

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We turned around almost simultaneously to find ourselves face to face with no other than Ron Weasley.

"What are you doing?" Ron asked, obviously deeply hurt that we would leave without a goodbye.

"Nobody else is going to die, not for me"

"Or me" I piped in.

"For you" Said Ron as we turned around, "You think Mad-Eye died for you; you think George took that curse for you. You may be the chosen ones but this is a whole lot bigger than that, its always been bigger than that" He finished as we turned back round to face him again.

"Come with us then" I stated.

"And leave Hermione, are you mad? We wouldn't last two days without her." stated Ron, "Don't ever tell her I said that though."

"What about me?" I said a little taken back.

"What about you?" Ron asked me

"I'm smart."

"Well yeah, I know you are but Hermione's a genius and you'll be too busy to remember to do half the things Hermione would" Ron laughed.

"Anyway" Ron said continuing, you've still got the trace on you, still got the wedding..."

"Look I don't care about a wedding. Sorry. No matter who's it is. We have to start finding these Horcruxes. There are only chance to beat him and the longer we stay here the stronger he gets!" yelled Harry.

"Tonight's not the time mate, that would be doing him a favour"

Harry and I stood there making a decision. Go or stay.

"One more day can't hurt can it? I mean we can always go tomorrow. After the wedding" I thought. I looked over to Harry who then nodded to me. The decision was made; we would stay for another night and leave tomorrow. No matter what anyone said or did we would be gone by tomorrow.

We walked back over to Ron and stood on either side of him.

Do you think he knows?" asked Ron as we started heading back to the house, "I mean these bits of Horcruxes have parts of his soul in them. Bits of him, so when Dumbledore destroyed the ring, and you two destroyed Tom Riddles diary he must have felt something." Ron stopped and took a long, deep breath, "To destroy the other Horcruxes we have to find them. But where are they? Where do we start?"

By the time Ron finished talking we had arrived back at the house; we quietly opened the front door and headed back to our rooms. I walked over to Ginny's room and got back into bed.

It took a while for me to get to sleep but after what seemed like an hour, I finally fell into a slumber less dream.

(The next day)

We woke up early the next day so that we could get ready for the wedding. The burrow had been decorated and was now full of banners and balloons; the house had been taken over by members of Fluers' family from all over France.

The last wedding I had gone to was Renee's and Phil's back in the summer of fifth year, before I had gone and moved in in with Charlie. And I had the sneaky suspicion that I was about to enjoy this one even more. Everything seems funnier when it's with the Weasley's

I was wearing a baby blue, knee length dress that was laced from just above the top of my chest to around my neck. My hair was in loose curls cascading down my back, I was wearing light makeup, my favourite necklace, my charm bracelet that Alice had given me and a pair of black flats.

I was sat in the living room beside Harry reading the Daily Prophet, which was going on about Dumbledore, when I heard footsteps heading into the room and then quickly followed by the sound of Ginny's voice. I left the room in a hurry to give them some much needed privacy.

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