Chapter 29: Returning to the family

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He's gone! I can go home! I mentally cheered to myself as I stood there gasping for breath; my body was aching in every direction but I didn't care. Because I could see the Cullens again.

I let out a loud muffled laugh and leaned over to hug Harry.

"We did!" I grinned to him as he hugged me back.

I unraveled my arms off of Harry and ran over to Neville who was standing there staring at the sword in amazement.

"Neville that was fantastic, great job!" I cried

"It w-was noth-nothing really" He stuttered, still staring down at the sword.

"No Neville, that was something, you basically destroyed Voldemort yourself." Harry told him as he strolled over to us; his smile as wide as mine was.

Neville looked up and smiled. "Really?"

"Yes" Me and Harry said together.

After congratulating him we ran over to Ron and Hermione who were waiting impatiatently beside where one of the schools walls use to be.

"I can't believe it, your alive!" Hermione screeched pulling the both of us into bone crushing hug.

"But how- how did you do that?" Ron asked confused; however there was a certain gleam in his eyes that showed he was happy we were here.

"We were never really dead. When Voldemort went to kill us, he killed the part of him that was inside of us but never really us." I explained to him and simply as I could. I did't want to have to get into all the complecated parts.

"Okay" Ron replied with a nodd.

Ron put his lanky arm round my shoulders, I linked my arm through Harry's who put his around Hermione's shoulder and together, the four of us walked hand in hand to the bridge.


"The wand never truly belonged to him. It was Dumbledore's up until Draco dissarmed it from him in Dumbledore's office last year. But then when I disarmed Draco last year in the boys toilets; it since then answered to me" Harry explained stepping up on part of the broken bridge.

I looked down beneath the bridge and saw just how high off the floor we were.

'Wow!' I mouthed to myself, stepping away from the end ledge.

"So what are we going to do with it?" Ron asked with a shrug

"Excuse me!" Hermione cried, "We are not keeping it!"

"Well that's the most powerful wand in the world that is, with that we could be invincible" Ron said gesturing to the wand Harry held and then looked up questionably at both me and Harry.

Harry, without a second though, snapped the wand in two and threw it over the bridge. Lost forever.

We walked back over to our friends and stood side by side, looking off into the sun set.


We walked back into the remains of the great hall, by now most of the bodies had been cleared from the room and the remaing of the injured students lay on the table with teachers and and friends by their sides. The Weasleys sat at the top of the hall still devastated by the loss of Fred.

We walked over to them and I pulled George into a tight hug.

"Bella! He whispered.

The pain I heard in his voice made me hold on tighter and for longer, I rested my head into the crook of his neck and stayed like that for a second longer.

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