Chapter 71: The worst year of all

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Once the memory had ended, we found ourselves back in the Cullen's living room. As I cleared my head, I noticed all 7 Cullen eyes staring back into my own.

"What?" I shrugged, feeling awkward by all the attention. I wasn't one for attention; of course that made being the Chosen one hard.

The moment I had finished talking, both Edward and Alice ran up to me. Both hugging me tightly.

"Oh Bella!" Alice mummered, "That was horrible."

I stood there, not saying anything. I didn't know how to reply to that.

"You're okay, you're okay." Edward kept saying. It sounded more like he was convincing himself than telling me it.

"Yeah... Um can I have my arms back?" I asked as I shrugged out of their embrace.

We all stood in silence for a while. They didn't need to talk for me to know more or less what they were thinking.

"So... are you ready for the next year?" I murmured whilst looking down at my feet.

Carlisle answered for them all, "That would be great. Will you be coming with us Bella?"

"No, I would rather not. Too many bad memories."

Just talking about bad memories made Edwards's mood bad.

I really did not want a visit down memory lane. To tiring, to many bad memories. Plus I was just there; the idea seemed fairly stupid if you ask me and anyway, the Cullen's are smart enough, I'm sure they can piece everything together.

I walked over to the Pensive and dropped in the memory they needed. Once the silvery substance had swirled into the water I stepped aside.

"There you go." I smiled slightly (and flakily)

The seven of them made their way over to the Pensive and within seconds they were gone and I was left alone...


So far we had seen from the minute Bella received the phone call from Harry (resulting into her leaving and the letter) and most recently up to them leaving the wedding and heading to Sirius's house.

At this very moment, we were stood outside watching as the four of them attempted to catch a Ministry worker so that they could knock them out and pretend to be them for the time being.

Bella must have found one as she smirked to herself and (secretly) pulled out her wand. Sending her onto the floor.

The woman was blonde, with her hair pulled back into a bun, her skin was darker than Bella's but not by much and her eyes were a darkish blue.

Checking once to make sure no one was around, Bella began pulling the woman away, over into the corner of the room where Hermione, Ron and Harry were all standing there with their Ministry workers.

They each pulled a hair from their workers and dropped them into four separate containers; causing it to fizzle.

Bella finished hers in one gulp and once it was finished she threw it onto the ground and squatted down, hugging her stomach and looking pale.

"Man that stuff must be vile." Emmett laughed.

Edward glared at him, "You wouldn't be laughing if it was you drinking it."

Within a second Bella had transformed and when she had stood up she was a total different person. She looked just like the woman she was trying to be.

She ran over to Hermione who was now a middle aged woman with light brown hair that was in a high bun like Bella's, she had blue eyes and she was wearing a brown blazer with gold and purple stripes as well as a bronze knee length skirt with black tights.

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