Chapter 11: The night 4 became 3

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The days went by and we searched up and down the country for any clues to where the rest of the Horcruxs may have been or how to destroy them. And as the days went by, Ron became more and more distant. All he ever seemed to do anymore was sit in one of the empty rooms and listen to the radio. He never seemed to want to talk to us anymore. He even brought the damn radio with him when we went out and, like Harry; it was starting to drive me nuts.

I mean I love Ron. He's like my second brother but he's setting my teeth on edge. I could tell that he was having the same effect on Harry too.

We had just returned from a long trip round the lake and I was knackered. I made my way over to my bed and fell onto it with a sigh. I was so tired, my body was aching pretty much everywhere and mentally I just wanted to crawl into a ball and fall asleep for eternity. Not to forget the fact that I was in a desperate need for a shower, because man I as beginning to stink.

It had been 2 months 3 weeks 6 days 7 hours and 12 minutes since I left the Cullen's and 2 months 3 weeks 5 days 6 hours and 24 minutes since we left the burrow. And frankly I was starting to lose my mind. We'd been here all this time and all that we have managed to accomplish is we found the locket. But even then we were no step closer to destroying it.

I was lying on the table next to Harry and Hermione; fighting my heavy eyelids from falling shut. Hermione was stood messing with Harry's hair, cutting off little bits as she went along. Whereas I was spread out on the table doing nothing.

I watched as Hermione suddenly dropped the scissors that she was holding onto the floor and her expression changed. Her mouth gaped into an O shape and her eyes widened. It looked as though she was calling herself stupid for no realising what she should have.

She ran over to the table I was currently lying on and gave me a light shove so that I rolled off the pile of the books I was lying on. Unfortunately I moved a little too fast and a little too hard and I ended up falling off the table, onto the bench and then onto the hard floor.

"Sorry Bella" Hermione apologised as she ran past me.

"I'm okay'' I grunted, "Don't worry I'm fine"

Harry ran one of his hands through his newly cut hair and used the other one to give me a hand up.

Taking his hand he yanked me off the floor and I went to go sit back down but this time on the bench rather than the table. I looked back over at Hermione to see that she was flicking through the pages in one of her books.

"How could I of been so stupid" Hermione mumbled under her breath to herself as she stopped on one of the pages.

"What?" I asked curiously climbing over the bench to look over at the book she was reading.

"You two destroyed Tom Riddles diary in the chamber of secrets 5 years ago. Right?" Hermione proclaimed.

"Yes with a basilisk fang. And don't tell me you've got one of those in your bloody bag" Harry answered, eying the bag suspiciously.

Hermione ignored his comment and carried on talking.

"Well the basilisk fang has a special and rare covering that allows it to cut through the strong force in the Horcruxs" She took a breath, "That's why none of the spells we did worked, not only that but the sword of Gryffindor is also covered in the same liquid which means..."

"That the sword can also destroy the Horcruxs" Me and Harry said together.

I smiled. It felt like a huge pile of weight had been lifted of my shoulders. Now that we knew how to destroy them, we could.

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