Chapter 54: Arizona

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Harry, Bella, Ron and Hermione were stood outside Kings Cross with all there bags beside them.

I thought this memory was over.

Guess I was wrong

"There are my parents, i should go. See you guys. Good luck Bella" Hermione said giving them all quick hugs.

"Bye Hermione" They all said simultaneously .

"Ron!" Mrs Weasly yelled and ran over to the three of them, "Harry, Bella how are you?" She asked as she went to hug them.

"Fine Mrs Weasley. How are you?" Bella smiled.

"Oh perfect. You two just have to come over for the summer. Hermione too. I could go get you both. Maybe not by floo powder though. They didnt seem to like that but i know where you live so it would be no trouble."

Bella frowned.

"Didn't Dumbledore tell you?" Bella asked.

"Tell me what dear?"

"They're shipping me off to America to live with a friend of our mums. She's a squib" Bella smiled softly.

"What?! Dumbledore never said anything of the such." She said frowning but then relaxed, "Well you send the address and i'll go get you too. Now Ronald we must get going. Goodbye you too. " She smiled running off.

"Bye Mrs Weasley" Harry yelled.

"Bye Ron" They both said.

"So I guess one of us is next" Bella sighed sitting down on her bag.

"Bella stop worrying, everything will be fine okay?" He told kneeling down beside her.

"And here they are" She said sadly and then jumped up and got him in a death grip, "I'm going to miss you so much!"

"You too but it's only going to be a few weeks and plus, you'll porbaly forget about me when your lying on the hot sunny beaches." He laughed.

"Thats not likely. Now go before i get all teary eyed on you" She laughed at him and slightly pushed him away so that he stumbled forwards.

"Love you" Harry said.

"Love you too" She smiled and then Harry walked away over to where Vernon standing. I almost said Uncle Vernon but he's not my uncle you know. That would be kind of weird.

Bella, now alone, stood there akwardly as she waited for Renee to pick her up.

"Bella!" A voice yelled. It was Renee running towards Bella, her hair short hair bouncing up and down. She didnt look to different to when i had last saw her. That was when Bella was in hospital during the run in with James and to be fair i didnt see her much, maybe only once or twice.

"Bella it's me Renne. Oh my god you look so much like your mother, except for your eyes you have your fathers eyes. I was a good friend of your mothers. My family and her family were great friends" She smiled and her eyes went distant as if she was thinking of something, "Anyway your going to love Arizona. I know I do but it does take some time to get use to. It's always warm and there is all the beaches, you look like you could use the tan." Renne laughed.

Bella laughed quitely but it ever really reached her eyes.

"Oh honey i know it's weird and your going to miss your brother but maybe we can see if he can come over at some point. Also you can make some new friends and I have a daughter, you can play with her. She's only 10 but she acts older than she really is." As she spoke she picked up two of Bellas bags and Bella picked up the remaining one and they began walking.

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