Chapter 86: King Cross Station

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"Movie it people! Vampire coming through!" I yelled as I pushed myself past the crowds of people stood walking in the station. Children and parents alike; pushing around huge trolleys full of suitcases and caged owls. There were a few younger children complaining to their parents about wanting to go along with their siblings and their parent's hushing them and telling them that they'll get to go when they're older.

The station was as familiar as it had been when I stood here 19 years ago when I was a mere 11 year old girl. Now I was here to wish off both my nephews.

James had already started school and was now heading into his third year but his younger brother Albus Severus (yeah... Albus) was only just starting. My niece, Lilly Luna (Because Lilly and James aren't going to get confusing), was still too young. And I knew by the weeks leading up till today she was much upset by the fact that she couldn't go to Hogwarts with her brothers.

She reminded me a lot of the young Ginny I had met for the first time at this exact station as she was also upset that she couldn't go to Hogwarts along with her brothers. And she looks just like her too.

"Excuse a mwah!" I yelled once more.

I neared closer to Harry and the rest of the family so I called out their names.

"Potter family!" I called and they turned round at the sound of their name.

"Auntie Bella you made it" Lilly exclaimed once she saw me.

"I did." I smiled as she ran over to hug me. I hugged her back.

"Bella." Ginny smiled, "How are you?" She asked in a soft tone.

"I'm great. How are you?"

"Fine, I'm glad you made it."

The six of us, plus two owls, made our way through the Platform.

"Albus are you okay?" I asked brushing his shoulder as we walked beside each other. Ever since I got here he had been looking a little... down.

"I'm fine." Albus muttered looking down.

I walked ahead of him and went over to Harry.

"I think we have an unhappy camper back there" I whispered.

Harry nodded and glanced over at his son, "Thanks." He whispered back before going over to Albus.

Harry nodded towards his wife which indicated for the rest of us to carry on whilst they stopped and talked.

Just as we reached Hermione and Ron (who were now actually my family due to Harry marrying Ginny) they were sending off their daughter Rose.

She had inherited the gingerness of the Weasley family and had Ron's pale complexion and chin. However the rest of her belonged to Hermione; including the brain.

Even nearing their 40's my friends had aged well... luckily. Of course though at first they were quite envious of me keeping my youth but they got over it as quick as they got it. Though I in some way was also envious of them a little. They had children and got to grow old; as much as I loved Edward and the Cullen's I would have loved to have been able to grow old along with them. Of course I never told Edward that.

But after having Renesmee and fulfilling one of the requests I could have as a human, I got over it.

George had soon married Angelina not long after the war was over and they even had a son they named Fred; like I had thought, George never completely recovered over the loss of Fred but as the time went by he got over it.

As for Draco, he had married a fellow Slytherin called Astoria. Like I had promised we did reunite a few times after and I had even managed to get Ron, Harry and Hermione to forgive him. And from what I had learnt Scorpio (their son) was quite the friend of James.

"Hello friends!" I announced as I greeted them.

I said my hellos and then left the Kids and Ginny to chat whilst I stood there and listened.

I tried not to ease drop in the conversation between father and son but with my hearing, it was a hard thing to do.

"But what if they put me in Slytherin..?" Albus told his dad in a worried tone.

"Listen, you are named after he two bravest people I know" Harry started, "And one of them was a Slytherin. It doesn't matter what house you're put in because it doesn't define who you are."

Albus seemed to be calmer but Harry carried on anyway,

"But if it really means that much to you, you can ask the hat."

"You can?"

"Yes, that's what me and your Auntie Bella did." Albus looked up and smiled, "Ready to go now?"

He nodded in response.

Albus said his final goodbyes before running off into the train and joining his brother in one of the carts.

"You heard all of that didn't you?" Harry whispered. Though it was worded like a question it sounded more like a statement.

"Of course I did." I smirked, "Vampire hearing"

He chuckled.

A few minutes passed by until the familiar sound of the train starting. It made its usual 'chooing' noise before slowly making its way off the track. The five of us stood there waving the children off and the children waved back before the vanished from sight.

The crowds of families around us doing the same thing.

About a minute had passes since the end of the train had left the station when Lilly asked,

"Daddy, why are the all staring?"

Harry opened his mouth to answer but Ron beat him too it.

"They're actually staring at me. I'm actually quite famous."

We all laughed at him.

"In your dreams." I chuckled, lightly hitting him in the chest.

As I stood there I thought to myself,

Life is good.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK so isn't the end Hermione Katniss Cullen is adding more to it so think of it as Breaking Dawn \ Deathly Hallows part 3 all in one and thanks to those who are reading this book I love y'all 😘😘.

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