Chapter 55: Returning

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I sat on the couch with Pebbles by my side, she had returned a few moments aftter the Cullens had left with a letter from Harry. Quite a big letter as well may I add. Why you may ask? Well here's why.

Dear Bella,

I hope that everything went well with your boyfriend and co. Everythings okay here (Well as okay as it can be). We started the clean up this morning.

You are still coming tomorrow right? Mrs Weasley wants to talk to you and I need to tell you something face to face. George has locked in self in his room and doesnt want to talk to anybody. I feel for him. Maybe you could try something?

With this I enclose some pictures so that you can share the memories :) Haha.

Love ya,


Man how i hated him right now.

'I'm hungry' I thought to myself. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a apple before retuning to the living room.

"Hey Bella" Emmett's voice boomed, startling my heart. In suprise i dropped my apple and screamed.

"AHHH Emmett dont do that." I yelled.

"Sorry Bella"

"Anyway Emmett look at this." I said pointing at Pebbled with a smirk, "And it only took." I stopped to look at my watch.

"Only 45 minutes to fly from here to the UK."

"Okay okay you proved a point."

There was a akward pause.

"But email is faster" Emmett said breaking the tension.

"Yeah well we don't have internet in the wizarding world, or electricity." I told him and he stared at me as if i was crazy.

"Seriously? No laptops, phones! How do you survive?"

"Well when your a witch with magical powers llife stays interesting." I said smiling. It was true and plus I never had anything like that growing up so it didn't bother me.

There was the silence again.

"So... What did you think?" I said calmly.

"Well it was pretty horrible. I mean at 14 you shouldn't have experienced half of those things. And it hardly looked as though Dumbledore was trying that hard to get either of you out of there. And then for you to have to go out and fight... Voldemort!" Esme said after a long silence.

"Ehh it's okay, I did realise after a certain amount of time that I was never going to have quite year at Hogwarts. You see the girlr who lived doesn't get the choice." I said sighing and sitting down.

"So what happened next, was the year after any better?" Rosalie asked me.

"Nope. If anything it was worse."

"So you wont be coming then?" Jasper pursed his lips.

I shook my head.

There was another pause before I started speaking again.

"Anything else?" I asked them.

"I have one. Why did you never tell us you had a boyfriend?" Alice smirked and I blushed deep crimson.

"Well it didn't last long nor did i think that it was very important." I told them and it was true. After me and Ryan broke up I refused to speak about him unless his name was used in the same sentence as 'I hate' or 'Evil bastard'

Edward walked over to my side where he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest.

"Well if thats all are you ready for the next one?" I asked them and they all nodded, "Oh and by the way Esme do you have any food in the house?"

"Yes I stored up last week." Esme nodded.

Why would you store up and food if no one in the house eats? Was it for me? Or was it just to keep up appearences?

I walked over to the penasive and pulled out the painful memories from fith year.

"All ready"

They all went over to the penasive, Edward kissing me on the forehead before hand, and entered the memory.

A memory I didn't want to think about because it was too painful. A memory that I had pushed to the back of my head and only mentioned when I was with Harry.

Becasue fith year was the worst year.

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