Chapter 52: The maze

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"Everyone gather around" Dumbledore said.

They... we were in another arena. All the of Hogwarts and the other 2 schools were sat round on the benches and the 5 champions (plus teachers) were standing at the front, huddled together. There was a HUGE field infront of where they were standing.

"Now hidden within the field is the cup of glory that was hidden by Professor Moody earlier this morning. The first person to reach the cup will be the winner. But first i must warn you, the maze makes people act in weird way, it posses them. So if I was you I would be careful. Goodluck!" Dumbledore said again before he puled away and started talking through his wand to everyone in the audience.

"As Mr Diggory and the Potters finished in first and joint second place they will have a 5 minute head start. Now when the canon-" He got cut of when Mr Flinch let off the explosion too early.

The band made from students started playing music as the 3 of them entered the maze from different places.

"Lets go!" I cheered and hopped in after Bells

"Okay Bella, you can do this" Bella whispered to herself as she walked through the begining of the long maze.

Once the feild closed behind her it got dark and foggy. Almost like a scene from a horror film.

She turned left then right then left again and for a few minutes nothing happened.

There was a loud roar of thunder and Bella turned to see where it was comming from. Standing where she had been just moments before was Victor, holding up his wand at her.


A spark of red came spiraling towards her ,about a inch away from her face, and she jumped past it and landed on the floor.

I wonder if this is what Dumbledore meant when he said that this place changes people.

She scrambled to her feet and ran off, going in and between the corners. After running for a while she stopped and put up her back against one of the bushes, breathing heavily.

"Okay." She huffed and then started walking again

But as she did a vine came from beneath the leaves and grabbed her ankle and pulled her down.

"Ahhhh! Let me go!" She hollered, clawing at the floor," Stupify!"

The vine shrinked back and Bella got back to her feet and qiuckly moved away.

The sky was still rumberling from thunder and there was no-one else in sight.

"Harry! Help me! Help" Cedric said over the loud noise.

"Cedric, Harry" Bella whispered and then started running in the other direction.

"Harry! Cedric!" Bella screamed as she turned the corner, they were standing there together; only infront of them was the cup that they had to find.

Still running Bella yelled Harry's name until he turned and noticed her.

"Bella!" he said suprised as she ran into his arms.

"What was going on? I heard yelling?" Bella asked them.

"Nothing, it was just some trouble with a vine" Cedric answered.

"I hear you, same thing happened to me a while ago. Is that- is that the cup?"

"Yep" Harry answered.

"So now what? Do we all- do we all get it?" Bella asked.

"Well it seems like the only option." Cedric answered and the three of them walked closer to the cup, "On three. 1,2,3!"

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