Chapter 24: Fire in the Room of Requirement

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The room of requirement. The room of which would only open if we really wanted it to, and when it did it would be suitable for our business inside of it.

I closed my eyes and thought about how I needed the room to be,

'In the place where everything is hidden'

After minutes of standing there and thinking, the doors finally revealed themselves and opened.

We went into the room and I noticed that it was nothing like it had been when we had used it in 5th year during DA practise. The room was very wide and had hills of different objects; from old shoes and broomsticks to ripped old chairs and smashed tables.

"You've got something that belongs to me Potter" Draco Malfoy sneered from behind.

Turning, we saw Draco and his two sidekicks, Goyle and Blaise stood together with their wands pointed in our direction.

I wonder where Crabbe was these days.

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry asked sarcastically, gesturing towards the wand in his hand.

"It's my mothers. Its powerful and all but it doesn't quite understand me." He told us playing with the long, stick he held in his palms.

"You don't have to do this Draco" I told him softly, moving forwards a tiny bit.

"Yes, yes I do! You don't know anything" Draco cried.

His bottom lip quivered but he bit it in retaliation, in attempt to stop and look calm again; but I saw him lower his wand slightly. From under his white blonde hair I could see his face scrunch up and for a moment, I felt bad for him.

"Aguamenti!" Goyle yelled, breaking the silence, and a stream of water shot from the tip of his wand.

"Protego" I shouted back throwing my wand in front of me in one fluent motion; producing a small transparent ball that hovered protectivley infront of me. The ball floated exactly where I needed it to (where the water was splashing) and instead of it hitting me it went into the ball which I then flicked forwards, making the water splash Goyle, and threw it out the room.

I smirked.

"Harry, Bella!" Ron yelled as he and Hermione came running to us through the piles of trash.

"Avada Kedava!" Goyle yelled pointing at Hermione but she protected herself with a shielding spell just in time.


Ron looked at Goyle and glared at him, face full of anger.

"That's my girlfriend you nut cases!" Ron screamed, wand at hand, chasing them round the corner.

"So your dating now, when did that happen?" I asked her intrigued.

I've always known that they've liked each, ever since 3rd year when she grabbed onto his hand when watching Harry ride Buckbeak for the first time.

"About 15 minutes ago. We kissed when we were down in the chamber of secrets. And... you know." She blushed.

Well that's sort of a strange way to get together with your boyfriend. But it will make a great tale for the future grandkids.

"Nice" I said nodding my head with a wide grin plastered across my face, "By the way, how did you get in there?"

"Oh. Well Ron did it, apparently Harry talks in his sleep."

"Um guys... a little help please" Harry said stopping our conversation in need of our help.

"Sorry" Me and Hermione apologised sheepisly before going to help Harry who was now half way up the pile.

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