Chapter 64: Witch in Forks

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I was sat, laying on the couch with a book and a cold glass of lemonade; I was reading Wuthering heights, about half way through.

"Ugh." I groaned to myself. Dropping the book on my chest, "I'm so bored!"

As if on que , the Cullen's fell onto the floor, re awakening from their trip into my old memories.

"Hey guys." I greeted as they all got up.

"Oh Bella I love you!" Alice pretty much screamed at me as she sped towards me and wrapped her small arms around my waist. Embracing me in a tight embrace.

"Oh wow. Okay." I muttered as I prayed her arms off me.

Then Edward walked over to me and also gave me a hug, kissing me on the forehead lovingly.

"Guys can we please not make this any more awkward than it has to be." I said shyly.

"Bella, we just want you to know that we love you." Esme cooed.

I smiled and nodded, "I know."

"You know what Bella." Emmett turned to look at me, "That Voldemort guy is a total idiot. If he wanted to kill you he should have just done it quickly; not have a long conversation with you about it."

I mentally smirked to myself. He was so right.

"I know, right." I laughed.

I reached down onto the table and picked up my glass of lemonade, taking a large swig.

"So Bella. Will you come with us this time? Please" Emmett pleaded at me with large puppy dog eyes.

Ugh! But I don't like re-visiting these memories. I like to push them into the back of my mind and not think of them. Then again I have pulled out of all of the rest and it might be a nice thing to do. Plus I could explain everything to everyone so it makes more since. It can only be the right thing to do... right?

Ugh, fine I would go.

"Fine." I groaned, "I'll go."

"Yes." Emmett cheered.

"Are you sure love? You don't have to go unless you really want to." Edward spoke to me and I nodded.

"Nah, it will be fine. Maybe it will be a good thing for me."

I unhooked Edwards's arms from around me and walked back over to the Pensive. I pulled my wand out from my sleeve and put it to my head, then I retrieved it; pulling the memory from my head and then letting it flop into the crystal waters of the stone fountain.

"Let's go." I sighed as the rest of my family walked over to me.

'1, 2, 3' I counted in my head as I ducked my head into the cool waters. Soon enough being transported into my memories.


We landed once more in the grounds of Hogwarts; just outside the stairwell which led to Professor Dumbledore's office.

Both Harry and Bella were stood side by side at the bottom of the stairs.

"This is still 5th year by the way guys, just thought I'd mention it." Bella explained to us.

"What else is there going on in 5th year?" I asked her, turning to face her.

Bella smirked back at me, "Just one more very important bit of information."

The stairs span round, revealing themselves, and the two walked up hand in hand. Us slightly behind.

"Is that really what I look like?" Bella asked concerned as we reached the top. Circling around herself to take a better look.

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