Chapter 77: Downfall

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"You've got something that belongs to me Potter" Draco Malfoy sneered. Appearing from behind a pile a stack of objects.

Compared to how the room looked during DA training, the room now was completely different. Instead of one big, mirrored room it was one huge room with different sized piles of objects. Varying from broken tables to old bronze tins.

Beside Draco were his two sidekicks, Goyle and Blaise. All three of their wands directed at the two of them.

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry questioned sarcastically, motioning to the wand in his hand.

"It's my mothers. It's powerful and all but it doesn't quite understand me."

There was a moment silence,

"You don't have to do this Draco" Bella told him softly, moving forwards slightly.

"Yes, yes I do! You don't know anything" Draco cried. Quivering slightly; though his wand did lower.

I actually felt bad for him. I don't think he wanted to be doing this but he knew his life was on the line. Voldemort was to kill him otherwise.

"Aguamenti!" Goyle yelled, breaking the moment and causing a stream of water to shoot from the tip of his wand.

"Protego" Bella shouted back being quick to take out her own wand in one fluent motion; producing a small transparent ball that hovered protectively in front of her. The ball floated where the water was splashing so instead of it hitting either her or Harry, it went into the ball which she then threw it out the room.

"Harry, Bella!" Ron yelled a moment later as he and Hermione came running forwards.

"Avada Kedava!" Goyle yelled pointing at Hermione but she protected herself with a shielding spell just in time.


Did he just try to kill her! Hell no...

"That was just cold." Emmett shook his head.

Ron glared at Goyle, his face turning red.

"That's my girlfriend you nut cases!" Ron screamed, wand at hand, chasing them round the corner.

"Aww, they're dating!" Alice squealed, "I so called it."

"Bella called it first I seem to remember." Edward smirked looking over to her. Where she and Hermione were now gossiping about it.

"So your dating now, when did that happen?"

"About 15 minutes ago. We kissed when we were down in the chamber of secrets. And... you know." She blushed.

Bella smirked widely; showing off her teeth.

"How did you get in by the way?" Bella asked. Changing the topic of conversation however the look on her face implied that she wasn't finished talking about it.

"Oh. Well Ron did it, apparently Harry talks in his sleep."

Bella nodded to herself, "Of course he does."

Must run in the family.

After a plead of help from Harry (who was already climbing up one of the piles to search for the Horcrux) the two girls helped him search, after seeming to have forgotten.

"Is that it?" Bella asked squinting whilst looking up at the top of a pile in the close distance.

Harry nodded enthusiastically as the two twins scurried to get it.

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