Chapter 1: Training!

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Jackson's POV:
     I was on my laptop on my bed when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled and then my mom walked in. "Hi." Mom greeted. "Hey." I greeted and I didn't take my eyes off of the screen. "It's time for training." Mom stated. I shut my laptop lid and got up. We walked out in the living room. "Am I going to fight fake demons?" I asked. "Nope. Today, you're going to fight me." My mom replied. "Okay?" I stated. She used telekinesis and I flew over the table. I got up and used astral projection and projected behind her. I kicked her and she fell. I went back in my body and jumped over the table. I grab a potion and held it up. My mom laughed and got up. I put the potion down and we hugged. "You're doing great!" Mom exclaimed and I smiled. My mom left the room and I saw Victor watching from a crack in his door. He saw that I saw him and he closed the door.

Victor's POV:
      I don't understand! I'm the oldest! I should have the powers in the family, no Jackson. Jackson is the youngest. Phillip doesn't even seem to care. All I can do is fight. I don't even think the Underworld knowd about me. It's not fair! I deserve powers of my own. All I can do is fight. Mom and dad don't even let me fight demons. Ugh! It's so frustrating!

Phillips POV:
      I know that Victor is spying on Jackson as he's practicing. He always does. I don't care that he got powers and I didn't because I'm glade I'm normal, sort of. It would be nice to have powers, but I can live without them. I got a text. "Meet outside the mall." The text read. It was from Rod. I guess it's time. I opened up the door slightly and saw they were still practicing. I smiled and closed the door and locked it. I opened up my window and snuck out. Time to rob the mall, I can't wait!

Melinda's POV:
      "MELINDA!" I heard someone scream as they shook me. I moan and slowly open my eyes. "What?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up a little. "It's time for training." Wyatt stated. "Okay. I'll have to get dressed." I stated and Wyatt orbed out. I went to my closet and started looking. I grabbed a purple spaghetti strap shirt and black slacks with purple and white tennis shoes. I put my hair up in a ponytail. I looked at my full length mirror and then orbs formed behind me. I sighed and turned around about to tell Wyatt I'm on my way. But when the person appeared it wasn't Wyatt, but it wasn't Chris either. It was someone I didn't know. I scream and then Wyatt and Chris orbed in with mom and dad. "What's wrong?" Dad asked. They orbed in between me and the man and turned around and saw him. "Who are you?" Piper asked as she stepped in front everyone. "I am Ian Chester. Your kids, your sisters kids, and your friend Billie's kids new whitelighter." Ian replied. "Oh." Piper stated. "I didn't mean to scare anyone." Ian stated and Piper nodded. "Paige!" Piper yelled and Aunt Paige orbed in. "Bring the whole family here." Piper stated and Paige orbed out. She orbed back in with everyone. "What's going on?" Phoebe asked. "Our kids have a whitelighter. His name is Ian Chester." Leo replied. They all greeted him and went back to their homes. "We have to train our kids, we'll call you if we need you." Piper stated and Ian nodded in agreement. Then he orbed away.
      We all went to the attack for training. Wyatt conjured 6 demons, 2 for each of them. I kicked the demon making him fall down. He got back up and threw a fire ball at me. I took a deep breath and channelled Wyatt's powers and orbed the fire ball at the demon making him vanquish. The other demon had an energy ball in his hand and threw it at me. But before I could do anything, Chris used telekinesis and threw the demon he was fighting in front of me and the energy ball vanquished him. I channelled Chris' telekinesis power and threw him in the wall. I saw Wyatt conjure Excalibur and sliced the demons head off, he then disappeared. That was his second demon so he was done. Chris threw a potion he got from the shelf and threw it at the demon and he vanquished him. Now he was done. I channelled my moms power and blew him up and he was vanquished. Mom clapped her hands. "Great job!" Mom exclaimed and we all smiled. "Great! Chris, use your powers and not a potion next time. Melinda, you use channelling a lot because you've mastered it. Try shapeshifting." Mom explained. "But how will I kill a demon with shapeshifting?" I asked confused. "You trick the demon and then vanquish the demon." Mom replied and I nodded. I love my channelling power, I can have millions of powers. I knew the answer to the question I asked my mom because I've done it before. I secretly hunt demons. I researched my channelling power and it showed advance soon. Right now I only can chanel people's powers that are in the same room as me. But eventually I can chanel people's powers that are in the same area or house as me even if I'm on the top floor and their on the bottom floor or visa versa. Then I'll eventually be able to chanel people's powers if they're miles apart from me. I can't wait. "Enough with practice. We'll pactice later. Since it's summer we practice twice a day." Piper stated as she walked out of the attack. We all nodded and left too.

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