Chapter 4: Running Away!

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Victor's POV:
     I can't stay here. It is no fair, I should get the powers, not my baby brother. I packed all of my stuff in the middle of the night. Good thing I have a car. I threw all of my bags out of the window and wrote a quick note to let my family know. I might come back one day, but not now, I just can't. With everything done I climbed out of the window and put my bags in my car. Then I got in and drove away quickly, just in case anyone heard and tries to stop me.
   I drove for a very long time. I'm not going to stop to sleep, just in case they find me. I have to go really far away before I stop. For now, I will only stop to get gas or food or drinks, sleep isn't important right now.

Prue's POV:
  I woke up early in the morning. I have a lot of meetings today and I have magazine and newspaper articles to publish. In one week from today, I will be starting my own photography company. I have everything ready and in one week it will be open. I even know who I am going to hire and everything. This will be great!
        I got up and took a quick shower. I brushed my teeth and hair. I put my hair in a small pony tail and then got dressed. It is time for me to wake the kids up for school. My two youngest kids share a room and my oldest has his own room. Victor is a heavy sleeper and not a morning person, so I wake him up last, plus he has his own room. I woke up my younger boys and now they're getting ready. I walked into Victor's room and turned on the light, but he's not here. Is he already up? I left his room and saw Andy leaving the restroom and fixing his tie. Then Jackson walked into the restroom and Phillip yelled at him to get out. "Shut it, boys." Andy stated. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss, but I didn't kiss back. "What's wrong?" Andy asked. "Is Victor out here?" I asked. "No, I don't think so." Andy replied with a worried look.
       I ran into Victors room and Andy followed. That's when I noticed a small piece of paper on his pillow. I started reading it and started crying. Oh. My. Gosh. "No, no, no, no!" I exclaimed. Andy read the note as I fell to the ground crying. Andy held me in his arms as Phillip and Jackson ran in. Phillip was about to say something when Jackson covered his mouth. Jackson picked up the paper and I'm guessing he read it in his mind. He handed it to Phillip with a shocked face and then a moment later, Phillip dropped it and also had a shocked face. "Phillip, call 911." Andy stated and he was just frozen. "Now!" Andy exclaimed and Phillip ran out. I screamed in pain as Andy held me. This can't be happening!

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