Chapter 23: She's Gone!

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Parker's POV:
     I was at Dianna's house. Her parents invited me over. Apparently I was one of Dianna's favorite people. She cared about me so much. They wanted my help to up through her stuff and they'll give me some. I was in Dianna's room. Kelly, Dianna's mom, walked in. I started tearing up as I held up Dianna's favorite dress in my hands. "She loved this dress. I don't know why, it's not my style. She always clung onto it. Geez! I don't know how I can do this." I explained. Kelly walked over to me and I put the dress on her bed. Kelly hugged me and I hugged back. I cried on her shoulder and I heard her whimper. We pulled back and we both wiped our tears. Kelly picked up the dress. "I have all of her stuff packed up. Follow me." Kelly stated and I did follow her out.
   We went to the living room and I saw a bunch of boxes of Dianna's things and they were all labeled. Kelly folded the dress and put in a box with other of her clothes. "Two of these boxes are for you." Kelly stated. "What?" I asked. "One are clothes of hers. We kept some of her clothes because we need some, for closure. But you guys had the same size and she always let you borrow her clothes and visa versa. Then the other box has other of her stuff of hers that she mentioned you like or she thought you should have someday. Or things I thought you might like and things I thought she would want you to have." Kelly explained and I smiled. "Thank you." I stated and she nodded.
     In the other box, on the top, I saw a rainbow unicorn. It was was Dianna's favorite thing she owned. I picked it up and teared up. "I remember this. Are you sure you want to give this to me?" I asked. "Of course. It was her favorite thing, she would want you to have it." Kelly stated and I nodded. There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Jamie, Dianna's other mom, stated. Dianna has two gay mom's. Jamie opened the door and smiled. "Hello, Cole." Jamie greeted. I put the unicorn down and greeted my dad. My dad greeted Kelly and put the boxes in the car. My dad kissed my forehead and then I said my goodbyes to Kelly and Jamie. Then we left and went home. I put the boxes in my room. I wanted to get the unpacking over so I put everything where I thought it should go and layed on my bed. I tried not to cry as I took a nap and fell asleep.

Cole's POV:
    Phoebe put on a robe and gave me a kiss as I got dressed. "I'm going to take a shower. Could you check on the girls, especially Parker?" Phoebe asked. "Of course, darling." I replied and gave her another kiss on the lips. She walked out and I put my shirt on and walked out as well to check on the girls.
       I knocked on Penelope's door. "Come in!" Penelope called. I walked in and it looked like she has been crying. "What's wrong?" I asked as I sat on her bed. "Am I a horrible person?" Penelope asked. "What? Of course not!" I replied. "Yes, I am. Because of who I am, I let a great guy get away that I think I'm falling for." Penelope stated. "No. Honey, you made a few mistakes. Everyone does." I stated. "But. What do I do about this guy?" Penelope asked. "You tell him how you feel and you do everything you can to be with him. When your mom found out I was the Balthazar, she didn't want to be with me. I didn't give up. When she thought I killed a witch because I was evil, I gave up and regretted it. But then she realized how she felt, so she chased me and got me. Then we had a big fight and broke up. I wanted to get her back, but she thought I was dead. She met Coop, got married, had you, and I showed up. I fought for her and she realized she always loved me the most. She broke up with Coop and got Coop with Billie and they fell in love and had two kids. I got back with Phoebe and we had another daughter. Everything worked out because we never gave up." I explained and she smiled. "Thanks dad." Penny stated and gave me a hug.
       I knocked on Patricia's door. "Come in!" Patricia called. I walked in. "Hey. We need to talk." I stated. "About?" Patricia asked. "Why have you been skipping training?" I asked. "I don't know what you're talking about." Patricia replied. "Stop that. What is up with you?" I asked. "Nothing." Patricia replied. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yes." Patricia replied. "Patty, I know I'm not your biological dad.... But I have known you since you were barely 1 year old and I do care about you. A lot. I feel like I am your dad. I have helped take care of you all of your life. You can tell me anything." I explained. "I know I can. I care about you too. But I'm fine, really." Patricia stated. "Okay." I agreed. I gave her a hug and walked out of the room.
        I knocked on Parker's door. "Come in!" Parker called. I walked in and smiled. "How are you doing?" I asked. "Good." Parker replied. "That's good." I stated. I sat on her bed. "Now how are you really doing?" I asked. "Maybe not so good." Parker replied and I gave her a hug. "It's okay. I know it's hard, but it'll be okay." I reassured. "Thanks, dad." Parker stated and I smiled. "Anytime. I love you, baby girl." I stated. "I love you too, daddy." Parker stated and she gave me a hug. "She's gone." Parker stated. "Oh, Parker." I stated. "She's gone. ShedShe's really gone and there's nothing I can do about it." Parker stated. "Parker...." I started. "I'm never going to see her smile or her glistening eyes or her sweet voice. Her kindness and girliness which use to annoy me a little. God, she can never annoy me again. I will never be able to have one of her amazing hugs or cry on her shoulder or hear her sappy but good advice. She'll never brag but really she's just joking because she never brags. She'll never joke again. She's really gone." Parker explained. "You might be able to see her." I stated. "What?" Parker asked. "Your mom and aunts use to conjure your dead grandma and your dead great grandma all of the time. Some times just to see them again. Your great grandma and grandma attended your Aunt Piper and Uncle Leo's wedding. You can see her when you want. But only you, and may be the rest of us. So you'll have to stay in one of our house's." I explained and she nodded. "I can.... I can see her again. Everything I love and everything that annoys me about her." Parker stated with a smile and I wiped her tears. "Yeah." I agreed. "But what about Kelly and Jamie? They'll never see their baby girl again." Parker stated and I sighed. "I know. It doesn't seem fair but they can't see Dianna because they can't know that you and the rest of the famous. Plus, you can't bring Dianna back too much at once." I explained and she nodded as a few more tears escape. "Yeah. Thank you so much for this talk." Parker stated and I nodded. I gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I love you." I stated. "I love you too." Parker stated 82nd then I left.
     I walked back in my room and saw Phoebe in there in her night gown. I smiled at her and she returned the smile. We kissed and started making the bed. I told her everything I talked to with all three girls. We sat on the bed and kissed again. "You're taking some tips from my advice column. You're good at this, I'm proud of you." Phoebe stated. "I love you." I stated. "I love you too." Phoebe stated and we kissed again. "Party's hiding something." I stated and she laughed. "Yeah, I know. We'll just have to find out what." Phoebe stated and I laughed. Then we kissed again.

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