Chapter 42: Friends!

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Chris's POV:
     Bianca and I have been friends for week, but in secret. Our families don't know, they can't know. It's been great hanging out with her again, but I want us to be more. Just wait it out, and someday we will be. I just got home and walked inside. "Where have you been?" Wyatt asked. "What are you doing here, Wyatt?" I asked. "I asked you first." Wyatt replied and I sighed. "I've just been out. Now your turn." I stated. "I'll tell you once you give me a better answer." Wyatt stated and I sighed. "I wasn't anywhere specific." I stated. Which isn't a lie, that is true. Bianca and I were walking around. "Fine." Wyatt stated. "What are doing here?" I asked. "Visiting my family." Wyatt replied. "I'll just wait here for the real reason." I stated and Wyatt sighed. "Can't a guy just come and visit his family?" Wyatt asked. "Yeah.... But you're not that kind of guy." I replied. "Whatever you want to think." Wyatt stated and then he walked off as I sighed.

Melinda's POV:
      I was walking down the stairs, but stopped when I heard orbs. I peeked over so I can see, but they didn't see me. "You called?" An elder asked. "Yes." Mom replied as she stood up. "Is there something I can do for you?" The elder asked. "Yes. I want a new whitelighter." Mom replied and I sighed. "Why?" The elder asked. "Because my whitelighter is getting together with my daughter." Mom replied. "So?" The elder asked. "So? Are you kidding me?" Mom asked. "You married your whitelighter." The elder replied. "That's different." Mom stated. "Why? Because this doesn't revolve around what you want?" The elder asked. "It's not like that." Mom replied. "Then what is it like?" The elder asked and I smiled. I like this elder. Which is weird because I don't like elders, I get that from my mom. "Because she's a teenager, I wasn't." Mom replied. "I see.... But she should be with who she wants to be with to be happy." The elder stated. "She can't be with Ian." Mom stated and I sighed again. "Fine." The elder agreed. "Good. Now can we get a new whitelighter?" Mom asked. "I can't make any promises, but lets see what we can do." The elder replied and mom nodded. "Thank you." Mom stated and the elder orbed away. Mom turned around and saw me as I glared at her. Then I ran up the stairs and to my room.

Patricia's POV:
     I was in my room and flipping through a magazine. There was a knock on my bedroom door and I sighed. "Come in!" I called and my mom walked in. "I just got off the phone with your dad." Mom stated as she closed the door behind her. Mom sat on the edge of my bed and grabbed my magazine. "Hey!" I exclaimed and she put it on the bedside table. I sat up and looked at her. "Your dad said what happened after Billie's boss left." Mom stated and I shrugged. "So?" I asked. "That was uncalled for." Mom replied. "But it was true." I stated. "Maybe. But you didnt have the right to say all of that." Mom stated. "I was angry." I stated. "I know. But still." Mom stated and I nodded. "Okay." I stated. "Good." Mom stated as she stood up and I stood up. "Where are you going?" Mom asked. "To see the Book of Shadows." I replied and she nodded. "Okay." Mom agreed and then we both walked out.

Chris's POV:
     Bianca and I were talking and laughing at our spot. She is so beautiful. Her smile. Her laugh. Her hair. Her face. Her body. Her style. Everything about her is just purly amazing. "I love your laugh." I stated. "Thanks." Bianca stated and I nodded. She looked away and sighed. "Are you okay?" I asked and she looked back at me. "Yeah." Bianca replied. "Bianca. Don't lie to me." I stated and she sighed. "Fine. It's just my mom." Bianca replied. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "I don't know. My mom is a lunatic. So, I'll get back to you on that." Bianca replied and we both laughed. "I'm sure everything will be okay." I stated and she nodded. "Thanks." Bianca stated. "Your welcome." I stated. We leaned in close to each other and our lips were close to her touching when she sighed. "I can't." Bianca stated. "You can." I stated. "I'm sorry." Bianca apologized and I sighed as she stood up. "I should go." Bianca stated and then she walked away. I sighed as I put my head in my hands.

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