Chapter 48: Too Young.... Or Not!

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Bianca's POV:
      I starred at Piper and Leo. I didn't know what to do. "What's going on?" Piper asked. It's obvious she's trying to stay calm. Leo was rubbing her back to try and help. "Bianca and I got back together." Chris replied as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked up at him and then back to his parents. "I can see that." Piper stated. I stepped up and their eyes turned on me. "Piper...." I started. "It's Mrs. Halliwell to you." Piper stated. I nodded and Chris sighed. "Mrs. Halliwell.... I know I'm a demon, but it's who I am. I didn't choose it, I don't have a choice. I also don't have a choice with who I fall in love with, same as Chris. We're in love, and you can't change that. I couldn't change how I feel if I wanted to, but I don't want to. I don't regret meeting Chris and falling in love with him. He makes me happy and I make him happy. Cole's a demon, and you don't care about that. See? There are good demons in the world. You can't stop us from being together.... No one can. If you cared about him, you'll let him be happy. You're supposed to be the smart charmed one, but I guess not. If you had two scents then you would shut up and let us be together." I explained. Piper and Leo looked at me shocked. I looked up at Chris who looked impressive. I smiled at him and he smirked at me. "Now, we should be going." Chris stated as he grabbed my hand and walked me out.

Victor's POV:
      I'm still grounded. But I'm aloud out of my house for school, family dinners, and now to visit dad in the hospital. I sighed as I sat my dad's bed at the hospital. He looks so helpless, which sucks because he use to be so helpful. I looked at him and studied him. He looks like he's sleeping.... A sleep he may never wake up from. I feel my eyes water. I can't loose him. I just can't. "Hey." Mom greeted. I turned around and saw her by the door with some drinks. I didn't even hear her walk up. "Hi." I greeted. I sighed and turned back to my dad. "Are you okay?" Mom asked as she walked in. "I guess." I replied and she nodded. "I know how you feel." Mom stated and I nodded. She handed me a cup. "What is it?" I asked as I took it. "Tea. Your favorite." Mom replied and I nodded. "Thank you." I stated and started drinking it. My mom looked out the window and I looked too to see what she's looking at. I saw Aunt Piper and mom sighed. "I'll be right back." Mom stated and I nodded as she walked out.

Prue's POV:
     I walked outside the hospital room and went towards my sister. "How are you doing?" Piper asked and I sighed as I feel tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. "As good as I can be." I replied and she nodded. "And the kids?" Piper asked. "About the same." I replied and then she hugged me. I let myself cry as my sister held me. "Mrs. Halliwell." A familiar voice stated. We pulled apart and I wiped my tears. I looked and saw Andy's doctor. Dr. James. "Yeah?" I asked. "We need to talk." Dr. James replied and I nodded. "Okay." I agreed. "Andy's condition has worsened." Dr. James stated. What? No, no, no, no. This can't be happening. I feel tears started to come out of my eyes again, but I don't care. "What?" I asked. That's all I could say. It's like I'm at lost with words. I feel my heart racing and I can barely breathe. "We're doing everything we can. But at this point, it'll be a miracle if your husband wakes up." Dr. James replied. "No! No, this is not acceptable! You go in there and save my husband you son of a...." I started but Piper covered my mouth. "I'm sorry about her." Piper apologized and Dr. James nodded. "It's alright." Dr. James stated and then Dr. James walked away.
       I bit Piper's hand and she moved it. "Ow!" Piper exclaimed. "Never do that again! I need to say what I want to say!" I exclaimed. "I'm just trying to help!" Piper exclaimed. Who does she think she is? "Help? You can't help! How are you supposed to help?" I asked and she sighed. "I don't know." Piper replied and I nodded. "Exactly." I stated. "But I can at least be there for you." Piper stated and I shook my head. "No. All I need.... Is justice." I stated and started walking away. But she ran after me. "Justice?" What do you mean?" Piper asked. "I think you know." I replied and she gasped. She stopped and made me stopped too. I faced her as she had a shock expression on her face. "You can't. The people who did this to Andy.... They're mortals." Piper stated and I rolled my eyes. "I don't care, Piper. Don't you get that? Andy is going to die, we can't change that. But at least these people can die with him." I stated. "This isn't right! This isn't what we do!" Piper exclaimed. "I. Don't. Care. Anymore." I stated and then h walked off. "Prue!" Piper exclaimed. But I just ignored her. She kept calling my name, but I kept ignoring her as I left the hospital. I have to do this. I just do.

Chris's POV:
     I was walking with Bianca and we were holding hands. I'm really nervous. I think she noticed. "Are you okay?" Bianca asked and I nodded. "Yeah." I replied. She nodded. I don't think she believed me. But that's okay, because she'll find out what's going on soon enough.
     We sat down at our spot and I looked deep into her eyes. I moved her hair behind her ear and she smiled and blushed. "I love you so much." I stated. "I love you too." Bianca stated. Okay.... It's now or never. "Bianca. I love you. I love you more then I have ever loved anyone. You're sweet, kind, caring, genuine, and I don't care that you're a demon. You're not evil and you're a good person, that's all I care about. We have been together for four years now. It's been the best time of my life and I'm happiest when I'm with you. Loosing you and thinking you hated me were the worst things that has ever happened to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter what anyone says or how everyone feels." I explained. She had a smile on her face, but it's obvious she's confused too. I pulled out a small black box and she gasped. I got down on one knee and revealed the diamond ring and she looked at me with pure love. "Will you marry me?" I asked her.

Bianca's POV:
      I can't believe this! Did he just do what I think he just did. But he's only 17 and still in high school. "Chris. You're 17 and still in high school." I stated. He stood up and sat next to me. "I don't care. I'll be 18 in three and a half months and I'll be graduating in five months. We won't get married until after.... But I know in my heart that we are meant to be and I want to marry you." Chris explained. I nodded with tears in my eyes. I can't believe this is hepprbinh. I do love him and I do want to marry him. "Yes." I stated. "Yes?" Chris asked and I nodded with a smile. "Yes." I replied and he smiled too. We kissed passionately and then pulled away. He placed the ring on my finger and we started kissing again.

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